
I have been suspended from Twitter

Here are my last interactions and mentions

No explanation has been given.

Many of these interactions are with Hamish McNeilly (themish.substack.com) who is in my view a bully masquerading as a journalist. As you can see Twitter is absolutely chockablok full of bullies. I will change the video later to include all interactions while my account was active. And yes I do give back some flak, might as well. The only other alternative is to apologize for being independent, acknowledge lies (mostly around whether women includes men in that category) and curtsy to fascists.

There will be another Twitter account or five, I’m not going to allow them to shut down my voice on that platform.

Why do you get banned by Twitter? Here are the main reasons;

  • you don’t agree that men can be women.

  • you are critical of the covid-19 vaccines

  • you are critical of the lockdowns and masks

As I was on all three of those topics it was likely I’d either get banned fairly quickly or I’d get banned on October 9th, the day after the election. Quickly it was, my account was probably less than a week old.

#seagerformayor @seagerformayor #dunedin #dcc #localelectionsnz #radioone

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