To paraphrase the Clash from late 1979 / early 1980.
“The ice age is coming, the sun's zoomin' in
Engines stop running, the wheat is growin' thin”
Well the Ice Age failed but London is trying very hard to bring about a human ice age, where everything is tracked. Try paying cash in the centre of London and you’ll be mostly out of luck. Of course I think that it’s still legal tender so if you leave say £20 on their counter for your lunch as you walk out into the London air is there really anything they can do about it other than run after you with a terminal in their hand saying “sir but you have to pay by card”.
I don’t think so….
Anyway here’s London mostly from Friday just gone. My comments were (mostly) added at the time as I snapped on my phone. They’re not in order.

Generally the most irritating thing about London right now, and it is very irritating, is the number of places that don’t take cash.
Vegan is everywhere. So are messages about “clean energy”. And to a lesser extent there are rainbow crossings, signs and the occasional pub. But although there are quite a lot of rainbow flags around & other woke paraphenalia about making sure that the WEF gods of sustainability are fed I’ve yet to see one trans person. Not one. Unless I didn’t notice a short gal with a beard walk past (they all have beards). But I don’t think so. It’s not just nothing in Dunedin, it’s nothing in its home, London.
Oh and the hotels are expensive. And Charlie is getting coronated (is that the right word?) this Saturday.
If I've missed anyone's emails over the last month or more apologies and maybe send again. They all go into the same folder as other substack notifications and I've just pressed 'read' on 4395 of them as I don't have the time to traverse those for any personal emails.
Just should add that Prince Charles quote on NZ House as being an architectural disaster zone is nowhere to be found on either Google or Qwant. I actually agree with him for once on this subject but why have the search engines removed it?