The ongoing saga of being Siouxsie Wiles (she/her*), woke champion of the NZ hobbits
Do as I say, not as I do.
One of the worst things that you can do in 2021 is to fly. The amount of emissions that you're responsible for on a 6 hour flight is very likely more than the rest of your emissions for a year, and that includes everything and is based on the Western World where at about 30 tonnes per person you're already responsible for 30x more emissions than the average peasant in India, Africa or large parts of Asia. I won't even get on to the ultra-privileged faction, the billionaires of the world, who are likely responsible for thousands, if not tens of thousands, of tonnes of CO2 per year per person. But the upper middle class are far higher than 30 tonnes per person as well, mostly because they hop on a plane several times a year**.
What can the world afford? Realistically a maximum of two tonnes per person, if that.
So taking a plane down towards Antarctica for 3 hours (with a 3 hour return flight unfortunately) just to maybe see the Aurora is climate vandalism that realistically should have a 2 year jail sentence attached to it. Shame on you Siouxsie Wiles, shame on you Ian Griffin and shame on you especially Viva Expeditions.
Perfectly clear?
Fucking (unmasked no doubt) vandals the lot of you.
* what’s this malarkey about pronouns you ask?
Click on Sue Boyde's tweet linked here to see her previous tweets, which have elicited no reactions from either Ian or Siouxsie. I'm completely in agreement with Sue on everything she says here. And thanks to Carol Bartle (Twitter handle @c_bartle) for this video.
** and here I am somewhat of a hypocrite too as business takes me to Oz 3 – 4 times a year. Unfortunately there are no commercial berths on ships, and definitely not sailing berths, available from anywhere in NZ to Australia, a business idea for someone.
#politics #climatechange