First of all kudos to Kansas for this.
Pfizer are eugenicists, the lot of them.
Then today in New Zealand one of the better rugby players here, who was off to Japan in a few weeks to play for a lot of yen, keels over from a medical incident.
I wonder if he was required to vaccinate for Japan?
Fuck you Pfizer et al. When do we start drawing and quartering your pathetic selves?
Just when I was starting to think that it was just a slow depop.
A lot of people are still alive after however many boosters are recommended. How can that be?
So these shots appear to be targeting certain groups; young athletes, child -bearing age women.
I know that there's heaps of other vaccine injuries, but most are hard to prove causation.
But young strong males dropping dead, and young women having menstrual issues - that's obviously the vaccines.
I really like the tone of this article.