Sad to see that James (Jim or Jimmy) Parlane has died in a car crash recently. I didn't have much contact with Jim after school, maybe a party or two in my twenties or early thirties as the world dragged me away from Te Awamutu. But I do remember Jim from school as we were in the same classes and indeed hung out together a bit in our late teens. One night in particular I remember quite well, first of all we raided some fruit trees around town, Jim knew where they were and which fences to clamber over to get to them and was essentially the ringleader. The only motivation was the risk, a dare. Then we proceeded to the College Principal's house which Jim also knew where it was located and we either threw small stones or fruit (I can't remember which) on to his roof and ran back to the car (probably Jim's) laughing our heads off before disappearing into the night. At this stage 43 years later I can't remember the name of the principal. Who else was involved? I really can't remember, maybe there was another Michael or two. They can let you know. But from my memory Jim led the show.
I'm currently in the Napa Valley* so it's too far away to turn up for thursday's celebration of his life. Vale Jim, maybe on another Earth, and I figure there's probably a 'few', you didn't take that drive back to Te Awamutu on Friday afternoon.
Richard Seager
* this could be a lie.
It's always sad to lose a friend. My condolences.
So sad. If there is anything after this, may His destination be a glorious one!