I recently put up a love poem for my wonderful wife who I am currently estranged from. This pulled forward about 20 demented emails from “Jacqueline” (I can’t be bothered to check if this is her real name or not).
Now his email is gone and I can't recall whether I swiped it off. Stressful.
That man reluctantly agreed to meet me in Dunedin in mid 2023, arrived very late like I thought he'd changed his mind, and was creepy/fishy in general over many months.
Creep, Aldridge
Reluctant for sure. You had the cheek to invite me up to your room at the Leviathan Hotel within a few minutes of meeting you. No thanks, I am faithful to a woman who is much, much nicer than you and I actually told her about this and her response was that “it was an inappropriate suggestion”. You then suggested that I could be a deputy leader of your party. I declined that as well. So creep yourself.
I want to thank everyone for their love...
It's over!!!
I was coming back to my blog to edit the post for me and Rikki only as it is really a private one. But you gave that added impetus ‘Jacqueline’. I’m sorry for loving my wife.
We are All Us Moderates
You belong in The Nasty Minority
This, sure as sure -- Populist Democracy
Imaginations melded
Funny how it always rhymedid
and that for those who Aldridge-it
the game goes hatefully
I can’t remember my fight with Jacqueline that well as she impressed me as a bit mad at the time but something to do with viruses and other scam artists such as Liz Gunn who were in that space in NZ to steal the vote from those who were not impressed with the Ardern led campaign against individual freedoms (the right not to get jabbed which was enshrined in NZ’s bill of rights). I certainly think that Gunn was riding side saddle for Ardern (or was it that creep Chris Hipkins) at the time.
Just wondering Billy,
Is there a war-cry out there for people to contact Darryl? (Stop what, Bailey?)
1. Months ago, I pleaded with my invisible unknown friends to sort matters out with Darryl.
2. #thebillybaileypattern cannot tessellate.
Are the rude cruel people (The Nasty Minority) afraid of my husband?
Just another threat.
Jacqueline is of this church.
Which has a link there for “Safeguarding and Abuse”.
Go away Jacqueline.
I tried to make the poem a post just for founding members (i.e. me and my wife and maybe a few others). But it didn't seem to work, so it's currently unpublished.
I have another 20 emails, several threats. I have hopefully automated a response to her emails and automatic trashing of them.