My advice? Get off Signal - it’s compromised for sure. Look up Psyphon

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Canary in the coalmine?? A shortage of 'infant cock' in San-Fran, and the butter-fly effect of 10's of millions of wetbacks giving 'birth' near San-Fran.


According to the research a sweetened infant penis actually feeds the syphilis in the Rabbi's mouth, long understood connection between syphilitic brain damage in Rabbis and given to Jewish infants who go on to become brain-damaged psychopaths;

Does MOHEL run SV, or substack? Given that San-Fran is so fucking "GAY" IMHO they would have an infant cock shortage, which is why they importing millions of wetbacks to fill the infant cock storage lockers;

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Liked by Richard Seager

Waste of time to post on Notes to reach anyone I have concluded. I posted a Meme the other day, not something I usually do but thought why not, my regular 0 to 1 like will enjoy it. Instead, it went viral and 120 people or something liked it. More than have liked any of the thoughts I publish on notes (prob more in total). I am constantly pushed dumbfuq normies and proggy wokesters in the Suggestions. Its' never someone with a brain. So the writing is on the wall, welcome to Instagram wannabe Substack Notes.

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Yes, like 'boiling the frog' they're turning up the heat, but in ways that your hardly notice, if they turn up the heat too quick, many us just 'walk away'

I'm noticing my subs to have hit 899, and locked for almost a month now, last month it was over 1,000, now I get a few subs on every post but the sub-count total never increments;

I don't give a fuck, just commenting what I'm seeing;

Yes, totally posts go into the forest, the only people that 'read' my posts are the 1,000 that get the email, but its always 33% read for all time, so that figure too is bullshit, that it never vary's


Then most recently like 1/2 my posts don't show up on my home-page, but if I go to the 'writer dashboard' I can find them, my guess to this is the posts not showing up on my 'home-page' means they're not showing up on the inbox for others either, again shadow-banning.

The worst was this post saying that all MD's & PHD's on substack are liars ago totally shadow-banned the instant I posted, which begs is their a ALGO that marks stuff if you DISS substack on the subject line??


Pass this post around, make sure its not shadow banned, make copies repost

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Normy and Sheople logic may not be escapable with digital minds. The elder analog thinkers, the few under 38 without digital thinking, minds subject to the Mandella effects that separate the masses swiftly in to groups of receiver systems not yet fully erased and rewritten. In a holographic layered world, it is your perspicuity that separates you from the masses who will never be pulled back out of the digital networks. How do Wii disconnect others from the Matrix who do not wish to leave? Wii don't!

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4 years on this platform. 850 Long posts, essays, thesis, booklets, and books.

I have published nearly 5 million words, pictures by the thousand, videos on Substack in the last four years, all original content. I came on board with 16,000 subs, they have knocked it down to 9,200 after many "Glitches" especially for paid subs. The evidence has surpassed all odds for probability and physical proof is abundant yet the beat goes on.

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Fraud? Substack billing, delivery, & censoring proof mounts. Intentional deception & Attorney General Complaint time.

I came to write on Substack because it was touted as a "Free Speech Platform" that would possibly allow writers to develop a following without interference from operators. I was WRONG!

TINY TEXAS HOUSES NEWSLETTER https://tinytexashouses.substack.com/p/disturbing-substack-billing-delivery

MAR 16, 2024

As of this week, I have gotten more evidence that the payment system, Stripe, forced upon us as Substack writers to be paid, seems to continue to cause problems for me as a writer and the subscribers. There appears to be blatant fraud and deception going on at Substack, causing subscribers and writers to be left short and ripped off by promises and failures that no one at Substack wants to address or answer for. Why not?

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Mar 11Liked by Richard Seager

I just share what I find on my substack. I am still learning how to use it. Lost my original YT account, banned from X, I cancelled my accounts on Redit and others since it is like Fakebook. No Tik Tok,Snappy or others=> too toxic to waste my time.

Keeping my critical thinking skills. Not inerested in being accepted by the masses. Almost time to go Home. Passing through Earth.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8Liked by Richard Seager

For the past 24 hours, I'm getting this on my Substack dashboard:

"We are performing maintenance on the database powering the publisher dashboard. Subscription count and subscriber dashboard data may be missing or out of date."

That must be one slow database.

It occurs to me that maybe the only real difference between Substack and other deep state gaslighting is that Big Brother agreed to keep his trolls and bots to a minimum on Substack, but still shadowbans, deamplifies and amplifies here just the same.

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Mar 3Liked by Richard Seager

I was just saying to friends on Facebook and some people on Twitter that they will like it here.

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I think it is more probable that this is merely a glitch. The same thing happened to me recently with a completely innocuous comment. My notifications showed dozens of people “liking” it, but the comment itself shows 1 “ like”.

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One of my published articles never showed up in my Substack inbox. When I asked them about it they gaslit me. "Oh if it is in your dashboard it is in your inbox."

No it fucking was not.

This is the article: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/for-the-greater-good-did-uk-mp-andrew

For the greater good: Did UK MP Andrew Bridgen just let slip the government’s motive for the midazolam murders?

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My meme post got hundreds of likes. Information is not popular. I think this is built in as well. To amplify memes which are easy to classify as hate speech. And memes don't really solve anything. It just makes people laugh. Which is important. Information is what people need. But in this case only memes will be seen unless you share information that does not threaten the system being installed.

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I don't know why people don't just leave such places. I did. And the problem would be solved if enough other people did. So the blame goes to enablers who keep going back when kicked out or put in *twitter Jail* etc. We're enabling the parasite class so of course they succeed. Perfect example why evil isn't the problem. The problem is evil overcomes us because we normalize it. People don't follow me probably because I'm a jackass and I don't write much but if I thought I was being obviously SBed I'd triple down and bitch incessantly about the parasites SBing me till I was kicked off or I was throttled to death. We have to learn to say NO to the parasites, people! Otherwise they might get rich off us!!

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Feb 27Liked by Richard Seager

I have been saying this for months and everyone called me paranoid. I'm not paranoid, I just happen to know what it's like to be cancelled.

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I am grossly disappointed in this platform. I do not doubt I will see such things, too, unEthical as they are. Stealing One's reach is unEthical... And Those who do unEthical things are beneath the beasts!

I know all about twatter - been SB'd there for years. So far They have not axed Me, but every tweet I send out (to over 2,000 subs and with hashtags), I get ZERO response. Back when I had 50 followers, I would get 5-15 responses - and occasionally a few more doing that.

Quite pathetic, I am finding this platform to be.

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