Hi all, Signal @BetheLightintheDarkness.01

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May 15Liked by Richard Seager

Do they ever! I have 2 documents in my possession. One details how Pfizer injected Nano “Micro” processors into us with their Vax. Processor’s made from Graphene which causes the abnormal blood clots & cardiac deaths in patients whose bodies reject the Graphene. These nano processors are able to send data to & receive data from a tower like a cell tower using 5g. That network is called C.O.R.O.N.A. for Coordinates & Routing Based System. I have that published paper as well. Happy to send to you. I have been trying to raise awareness online but to be honest I don't think the majority understands the implications of the technology. In light of the top 1% plan, Agenda 21, to implement a new global government and reduce Earths population by 4 billion.

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I’m happy for you to send them to me.


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May 17Liked by Richard Seager

Signal @BetheLightintheDarkness.01 substack doesn’t work through my VPN. I will upload the documents in my story. 😊

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Looks like everyone agrees that they are biological weapons. Time to do something about it.

How do we do that?

And thanks Kitten for this poll, it is your idea.

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May 14Liked by Richard Seager

Big fan of Bourla - being taken out with one of his own products. It's only equitable, after all.

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Well, looks like They did not mess with You as They did kitten. The fact that They are messing with ANYONE infuriates Me. It is so unEthical. I again recommend Odysee. You can post articles and videos there and it has no censorship.


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May 13·edited May 13Author

I’m getting messed with by my domain name provider at the moment. A combination of AI and outsourcing to Pakistan. The first is impossible to work with and the sooner AI is thrown into the bin the better. The second operate under a motivation that their contract is far more important than attending to the customer. In addition they are so incompetent that this conflict is a constant. They are currently trying to rejig the support background to try and make it so that they have a chance of appearing to be correct in their bogus claims. But they have failed to take into consideration that I have dealt with their likes for a long time so I have copious screen shots and notes. Very painful though.

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The unEthical scum running most things are so ghastly. You did not clarify where these issues are specifically, but yeah... Don't think Odysee can give You a domain name, but the freedom from censorship is worth it. I post all My stuff here and there, now that I can't make videos (too disabled).

I also am working as a "helper" on Their official discord server.

As for AI... I think it depends on the task whether it should be used. But mostly, I agree that it should be booted.

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Domain names are completely unrelated to here. But AI is pissing me off at this stage. As well as unethical “business men”. And very poor staff at these orgs.

They’re now trying to change the official records by backdating them. As I said I have learnt a long time ago to “keep receipts”.

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Good thing! Hope to see You over on Odysee.

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I will have a look at Odyssee at some stage.

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May 13Liked by Richard Seager

Hell damn yes!

The devil holds a special place for the likes of Albert Bourla

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May 13Liked by Richard Seager

My eye hasn't come right having had a cataract removed. Frustrating typing but can't complain. Pleased it's done

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May 13Liked by Richard Seager

I am not sure, as I have my doubts that they have the intelligence. A group of bumblers, with

power and money as their motive. There was little intelligence, or foresight interpreting the

outcome. The thought was: they will all come running. Now though, scrambling to 'save face'

by refining vaccines for the next Pandemic. This excites them as they talk about this all the time.

They are addicted to Pandemics. Not to help populations but what is in it for themselves.

Not dissimilar to any junkie.

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A group of psychopaths whose ONLY tool is money, which They want for the power over Others it provides - psychopaths tend to lust after power over Others. With it They can buy all the rest They use - the things and the People. And it buys the plannedemics They whip up out of thin air. The media, the "experts," the politicians, and on and on.

This is why I work to put down that tool. Not only is it dangerous, promoting psychopaths to the top, it is archaic, but They hide the tech that makes it so.

The Third Option: Anarcho-Abundancism (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-third-option-anarcho-abundancism

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I think that there is undboubtedly some maliciousness involved. That doesn’t rule out stupidity also being involved. For example your Queensland Premier, our Siouxsie Wiles, Britain’s Neil Ferguson, Germany’s Christian Drosten. All as thick as they come but nevertheless that still does not rule out maliciousness.

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May 13Liked by Richard Seager

Are you referring to Annastacia Palaszczuk, who was Premier of QLD for eight years?

If so, she has resigned and has been appointed International Ambassador with the

Smart Energy Council. The new Premier is Steven Miles who has a BA and PhD - not

much there though - as he is heading for defeat in the October State Elections.

A Poll result recently delivered bad news for him.

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Yes, Annastacia of the Toowoomba camps for the unvaccinated.

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And at a level higher than they are the maliciousness is stronger than the stupidity but still people like Bill Gates are pretty damned stupid.

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May 13Liked by Richard Seager

You could easily be right. I have got to the point where I can’t be bothered to

analyse them, or think about them.

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Here is another piece of datum that in any survey there is no unanimity.

Always keep in mind that there are still people who actually believe the Earth is flat.

ETs are most bemused by this facet of Earthlings.

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Only way that I can perceive a flat Earth is that there an infinite number of flat earths. As what happens otherwise if you fly around the Earth? Which would be weird as if I flew to NY tomorrow and then back to NZ via Europe then an infinite number of me would have to do the same thing. Nevertheless the pictures of the Earth from Space do seem to have an element of fabrication.

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May 13Liked by Richard Seager

Look to the shadow of the sun. If earth was flat there'd be no shadows. Also, no gradual darkness in the evenings from dark (Auckland) to light (Southland)

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I’m sure the flat earthers have an explanation for that. Too much of a digression for me to figure out if Eratosthenes was just having us on or not (I figure not).

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May 13·edited May 13Liked by Richard Seager

We have a long way to go to catch.up with Egyptian and Greek astronomy. I prefer the Egyptians, Greeks having stolen their knowledge from the Egyptians. Eratosthenes had it right of course. The ancients had no need to leave earth or bother with telescopes to discover the workings of our universe. It's all based on mathematics..Gisa is our heritage for mapping the universe

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I figure the Ancient Greeks would have known that they owed their knowledge to the Egyptians. Much as we know that our common law is British.

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May 13·edited May 13

They actually stole it while Egypt was at the peak of its power. Like a British traitor selling secrets to Russia ha

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It was sad what happened to the Egyptians really…..

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maybe it was the Team Enigma comment too.

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What was that? The separate comment? I got cancelled recently by a few who were in my mentions constantly (too much in my view).

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Not that I did not agree with them most of the time mind you. Just not enough to be approved I figure.

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Takes a little more time than normal to load, maybe stuck on 3 votes.

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