Bill Gates is a lot of things, none of them very pleasant. One of his worst attempts at mass death before COVID-19 was trialing the HPV vaccines in India where he’s no longer very welcome (click photo for a story on that one).
At the moment I’m reading “The HPV Vaccine on Trial”. The tale is a very familiar one, and it’s one of crime just like COVID vaccines are. The Gates led orgs tried first of all to bypass the Indian Government and conducted illegal trials (which they called ‘observational studies’) of two HPV vaccinations, Merck’s Gardasil (guard as ill) and Glaxo Smith Klein’s* Cervariz (Cervix?). They did this in two remote provinces, Gujarat near Pakistan and Andhra Pradesh north of Chennai. The results were predictable but a long way away from the NYT or the London Daily Telegraph who anyway were unlikely to report on it even if the story was next door in say New Jersey or Norfolk.
This is what some of more extreme of the adverse events were suggested to be from;
‘deaths due to suicides, insecticide poisoning, and snake bites’.
And here I give you a reminder of the Latin origin of;
vīrus ī, n
a potent juice, medicinal liquid, poison, venom, virus.
I’ve been a little amused by the rush to slam (Dr) Bryan Ardis on Substack. A little of the ‘you doth protest too much’ in my view.
As a reminder, most vaccines are manufactured in India. India has lots of snakes. But then so does Seattle.
* here in NZ GSK owns Pfizer.
wait till you read about the hundreds of thousands of injured school kids he injected without any approval, the article linked glossed over that
"Servtherich" ? agree that snake venom angle opposition has been quick off the mark.