I’ve been on this platform for about 3 years now. I’ve done reasonably well but I would need 100 times the subscribers that I have to be able to make it a full time jig. It’s not paying my bills and I need to pay more attention to what is.
So I’m going to ease back. Maybe one post a week, maybe one every two weeks. And I’m going to be hopping out of notes, so you won’t see me there too much.
No I do not think that Malone, Latypova, Yeadon or Hopkins are kosher. And nor are many of the commentators below them. But unfortunately the amount of time it takes to confirm their manipulations is high and then the amount of time to make a realistic case for everyone else, so as they see it as I do, is even higher. Let’s just say that I’ve seen enough to call them all shills. And most of the time they are operating together. For example both Latypova & Yeadon have strong connections to
who is a Global Leader of Tomorrow (you can find his name on my YGL list). Both Latypova and Malone are members of the Brownstone Institute. As for Hopkins I think that he likely has a gig training artificial intelligence. He certainly doesn’t have a gig at selling enough books to make an income.And at 10k+ subscribers here he doesn’t make an income from Substack either. You figure it out but he impresses me as being a 10k + a month in spending sort of guy. Where’s that coming from?
So what are they all doing? They may just be there to fill you with bullshit, tell you how well you did to recognize the crime but hey it’s time to get on with your life mate.
I don’t think that many of my subscribers believe that.
My next post will be on, or before, May 26th. Cheers.
If you’d like to help me write more like this (I’d happily do this full time but as above $400 a year at the moment is not helping that along) then please contribute with a subscription (above) or via the payment links below;
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If anybody wonders why Michael Yeadon comes across as nervous half the time well it might be due to all these fucking dystopian IP (trademarks, patents etc) that he’s involved with. I thought that was the bad guys doing this Michael?
Wai Leung Lee and Michael Yeadon are strongly associated with each other.
Money sure does create issues in Our lives... I ask for none for My work, asking for shares instead. But then... I'm already homeless and destitute, so I can't lose much. And I'm working to solve for the problems money creates, the least not being that it will promote psychopaths to the top of the heap.
I agree 100% with Your assessment of Malone, et al. And I ponder the Many who speak of "no virus" (which I agree with) who also are not seeking solutions but rather have a "move on" aspect going.
Why, when We see the issues to We point to them and then suggest nothing We can do to solve for the problems. I have no support (in shares) of anyOne "big" in the scene. It's like They want to keep the status quo so They can profit off it. Never mind that We ALL (except for the psychopaths) profit to the max when We eliminate the need for money and are able to survive richly therefore.
I will miss the regular posts You make, but grasp Your position. May We solve for poverty and the need to add Our energy into a slave system to have enough to live.
Solving for Poverty (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solving-for-poverty