As you can see there’s not very many women in the main jobs at Radio One. In fact there’s none save for Eileen (I will assume for the moment that she is female, as in adult human female) and Amy (8th and 9th out of 9). The rest of them feel the need to tell us that their pronouns are he/him (or they/them) as we wouldn’t be able to tell otherwise that they were male (I’m assuming Adelaide is male, could be wrong as I’m only going by photo, male in this case means ‘adult human male’)*.
I can though, magic powers. Also the three that I just met an hour or so ago, as I had to (as in 2019 as well) go to the studio to find out why no-one was emailing me back anymore, are definitely male. And no discredit to Jamie Green here, as he was emailing me originally to organize a time, but he seems to have been overruled by Sean (source Sean). Sean (the manager) in turn seems to be overruled in the ‘office’ by the very unimpressive and combative, but intellectually uninspiring, Dave Borrie.
And despite all their pronouns they still come across as very, very male. Well one of them anyway (pretty sure that this was Dave Borrie but he wouldn’t give me his name). He wanted to 'take it outside'. Too much testosterone I’d suggest. He and his mate were both acting in a threatening matter to me and ‘surreptitiously’ recording the exchange on their iPhones while claiming more and more space closer to me. And despite being gaslit from here to timbuktu I had been perfectly polite. I did call them gits on the way out though, they did deserve that. I suspect that if I hadn’t of left when I did then I would have been physically assaulted. Is this the way to behave towards, possibly, the future Mayor of Dunedin? I don’t think so, check your privilege boys. Yes boys, you don’t deserve to be called men.
At least the young woman from OUSA has heard the other point of view now. That no matter what pronouns you have you're still only one of two sexes, male or female. Note that out of the lowlier roles at Radio One, the news reporters, that 6 out of 11 of them are young women (as in adult human females). But only 2, or maybe 3, out of 9 of the ‘management’ and none of the first five or seven. They’re token additions for these guys to pretend to feminism because of their pronouns you understand.
Consequently the Mayoral candidate interviews next week on Radio One won't include me. As they nearly didn't in 2019 (a visit there that time did get me on the show at the last minute). The issue seems to be that I support women and girls rights to their own spaces and not having to put up with guys like Jonathon Yaniv of Vancouver who when he feels like invading these spaces calls himself Jessica.
Gosh I’m not sure why I think that.
Previously I’d put it down to their love of Aaron Hawkins, a former host on Radio One. Or not wanting an environmental voice that would drown out his token platitudes. But no, I think it’s due to my support of women and girls to their own spaces. Like the changing rooms at Moana Pool. Myself and every other male on this planet should stay well away from those changing rooms.
To not do so would have got you called a pervert when I was 22. Like Jonathon is.
* An update my wife considers Adelaide to be female based on photo. That was my first impression too, as you can probably see by my original hesitation above, but I am aware that photos can occasionally lie.
You will make a great mayor Richard as you can deal with nincompoops without losing your cool.
Can't help getting a feeling you're in it for fun and a weird socio-intellectual stimulation. My deepest respect for keeping it up.