Those guys who wanted to shove a stick up your nose in 2020 & 2021 well guess what they want to do now?
Emergent Technologies in Australia was one of the favoured suppliers of Covid tests by the Federal Government of Scott Morrison during the “Covid” “Pandemic”.
Well guess what they want to do now?
But that’s not Emergent Technologies you say?
Yeah it is;
Andrew Lloyd’s (is he a wanker?1) email is
If you throw into your web browser address bar you will be directed to
Burn it all down.
Reverso cockney slang
But it's a conspiracy theory to believe that these monsters can create genetic "vaccines" (and gawd knows what) personalized to race and individuals (even though they've come right out and said this is their goal). Those who got "swabbed" over the last three years don't even realize they were being placed into a database. That was phase one. Next will be everyone's DNA in a database. But don't worry, it's because "they care" about us...
Australia (re)approved a company's nasal swab and saliva antigen tests.
So outrageous!
The Biolink blurb fantasizes some futuristic reverse black box to entice potential investors. Elizabeth Holmes less the looks, the contacts, the pedigree and the black turtleneck.
Guess what they want to do now? They want to continue selling the same test kits they've been selling.