Or the whole media election circus , part of spreading the democracy dogma, in a Crown NZ govt debt scheme that creates wealth for and profits the central banksters(follow the money) . If people understood economics they would see things differently . See the corporate govts obvious purpose is to control( govern them) while create debt in their names sucking money off the 99% dividing and conquering them.
As for as the biotech for controlling bodes (protein expression)I dont think there are , its another fiction for profit.
Like convid that wasnt real why let reality step in the way of profitably inserting microchips in people and telling them they can do something( like vaccinate them against things that are not real like " viruses" boogeymen).
And I'm happy to say your readers will not consent to a biomicrochip.
I agree with most of that. But just like viruses are probably the biggest industry on the planet without one ever having actually being isolated who's to say that biotech won't be the same, all off a fraud. At some time such a fraud has to have costs that have to be paid just like the one on the issuing of money which most people don't notice because it's a hidden tax which is called 'inflation' to hide it from everyone.
Of course a new digital currency is supposed to solve the second.
Only the debt( costs) are not paid off and dont have to be in the central banksters fictional reserve ponzi scheme. Look at the trillions of unpaid debt in the ( 1933 bankrupt)USA.
They are using convid as an excuse to contract the people's economy(as you know UN 2030 has poverty on the menu).
The going digital currency is a fear system reset, mostly for continued control as the economic system is a cartoon, the emperors new clothes.
Inflation is the central banksters raising interest rates and having their multinational corps synchronize price increases ( the govt is a corp on this inflation -contraction- junket too when they say hard times in the media its believed and bam its " a recession" ).
Its central banksters doing it all and they get govt to tell people to blame convid19 (not their insane rules + regulations) .
Printing money off ad hoc is the main driver of inflation. Maybe not immediately, depending on the asset class targeted, but it will always cause it eventually.
But you can see the central banksters are the makers of the inflation( the economic boom and bust cycles)
Their 1) rigged market increases cost of commodities (in the US farmers are paid subsidies to not grow creating shortages in NZ its exported) 2) the central banksters multinational retail food corp simultaneously raises food prices, the supermarket mafia join in their end, govts always lie about inflation ,the govt help keep wages low, bankster Interest rates are raised.
The housing market was inflated, targeted as red hot by corp media it is believed and acted on making a housing bubble, which is great for banksters and their MORT gages.
A couple of things about Liz Gunn. First of all she doesn't sound like someone who grew up in NZ, to me she sounds like she has some South African background. But all the claims are that she is a 'kiwi' despite the accent which is quite noticeably not a typical NZ one.
Her address on company records is an Auckland one but by that video it seems she lives in the Bay of Islands. That's nice.. she's got a bit of dosh, Liz has. Her former house in Sydney is an $8m property. But if you look back on her career it's, except for a few years in the late 90s, mostly poorly paid work one would have thought. Some of that work has now been deleted, you can only find it on archive.org. For example she did quite a lot of interviews for this crowd (which I'd never heard of before taking a bit of a look at Liz's backstory)
It's not a "media" outlet that could pay a lot based on the income that they receive. NZ is vastly over-represented in such "media" possibly a result of being considered a bolthole by many billionaires.
Secondly I had some stoushes with Liz on TwitterX recently and some conversation with her supporters who were prepared to listen (unlike say Green or Labour supporters) when I called her on her bullshit. I hadn't put her in the frame for my TwitterX banning, but maybe she should be as it looks like she could be a State actor.
More proof, if we needed it, that Liz is not kosher (I havn't watched the video but figure the description says it all).
Thanks for that Stegiel.
After eliminating every other party, including LIz's, I made a very late offer to stand for NZ First. They're currently doing their best to ignore that offer as well. I don't know what the requirement is to stand for one of these parties, maybe you have to give away your first born to them?
NZ Loyal has a shopfront here in the main commercial street of Dunedin. I guess they have them everywhere in NZ. Not exactly cheap if so, NZ Loyal must have some serious $ backing.
Is there a requirement for the funding to be reported? I had a freelance gig out of college working for California Cast Metals Association. I did a 20 year study of Tort Reform by following funding flows. A lot of fun. Then I moved to SF thus ending my Legislative Analysis career opportunity.
There is over a certain amount and it's supposed to be top limited as well but the National Party was caught out relatively recently trying to massage a large donation into small non reportable ones. Sorry I'm a bit vague on it.
I havn't read the candidate book although I have downloaded it. I guess for whatever reasons my unconsciousness had decided this election was not worth standing as an independent.
But it's a conspiracy theory to believe that these monsters can create genetic "vaccines" (and gawd knows what) personalized to race and individuals (even though they've come right out and said this is their goal). Those who got "swabbed" over the last three years don't even realize they were being placed into a database. That was phase one. Next will be everyone's DNA in a database. But don't worry, it's because "they care" about us...
Australia (re)approved a company's nasal swab and saliva antigen tests.
So outrageous!
The Biolink blurb fantasizes some futuristic reverse black box to entice potential investors. Elizabeth Holmes less the looks, the contacts, the pedigree and the black turtleneck.
Guess what they want to do now? They want to continue selling the same test kits they've been selling.
A quick search told me that it (graphene oxide) was flammable. A longer search just now more or less confirms this and although there are some claims that it is not these seem biased towards tho$e who would say that.
I have no doubt that you found something online confirming your belief. Or you may have found references to super heating graphene for sciencey purposes. It's just carbon - single layer carbon in hexagonal lattices.
Not a science teacher. But one would think that if one was wrong about the flammability of graphene and had some involvement in it being injected into so many people & then at some point if those people became funeral pyres on (let's say for example) some sort of 5g signal that there would be some criminal liability right?
Funeral pyres take some effort - and kindling. But what the H? Charcoal briquettes burn, and I know Aussies love barbies - ergo - when you know, you know. New Zealand is Oz's very own Hawaii - kind of - so bury all of the graphene and paint your roofs blue.
Criminal liability? Wouldn't know. You're the attorney. I'm inclined to say, "Good luck with that." But as a U$A citizen, I also say, "Sue them, in multiple venues."
The 5G makes my titanium (penile) prosthesis ache when it rains.
Cars are the same, when I got ours serviced last time I was having a few problems with power steering so they suggested to take the bluetooth unit out.....
Yeah agree Richard, Liz seems to be gunning for the disenfranchised voters, just to get them voting.
As the vote that is registered with the Crown NZ govt is legally partially owned and controlled by them.
" He who counts the vote counts and the govt always gets in" is truth in the matter
The central bankers agenda continues from one party( fictional political ideology) to another party
The voters are mind controlled that they choose the candidates and that the majority picked whoever they make their PM, which is a lie.
Its an utter biased freak show the media election process.
Also a bit of money coming in. If it's not spent on the politics show, what happens to it?
Did you mean donations to Liz Gunn?
Or the whole media election circus , part of spreading the democracy dogma, in a Crown NZ govt debt scheme that creates wealth for and profits the central banksters(follow the money) . If people understood economics they would see things differently . See the corporate govts obvious purpose is to control( govern them) while create debt in their names sucking money off the 99% dividing and conquering them.
As for as the biotech for controlling bodes (protein expression)I dont think there are , its another fiction for profit.
Like convid that wasnt real why let reality step in the way of profitably inserting microchips in people and telling them they can do something( like vaccinate them against things that are not real like " viruses" boogeymen).
And I'm happy to say your readers will not consent to a biomicrochip.
I agree with most of that. But just like viruses are probably the biggest industry on the planet without one ever having actually being isolated who's to say that biotech won't be the same, all off a fraud. At some time such a fraud has to have costs that have to be paid just like the one on the issuing of money which most people don't notice because it's a hidden tax which is called 'inflation' to hide it from everyone.
Of course a new digital currency is supposed to solve the second.
Only the debt( costs) are not paid off and dont have to be in the central banksters fictional reserve ponzi scheme. Look at the trillions of unpaid debt in the ( 1933 bankrupt)USA.
They are using convid as an excuse to contract the people's economy(as you know UN 2030 has poverty on the menu).
The going digital currency is a fear system reset, mostly for continued control as the economic system is a cartoon, the emperors new clothes.
Inflation is the central banksters raising interest rates and having their multinational corps synchronize price increases ( the govt is a corp on this inflation -contraction- junket too when they say hard times in the media its believed and bam its " a recession" ).
Its central banksters doing it all and they get govt to tell people to blame convid19 (not their insane rules + regulations) .
Printing money off ad hoc is the main driver of inflation. Maybe not immediately, depending on the asset class targeted, but it will always cause it eventually.
Thats what they tell you causes inflation.
But you can see the central banksters are the makers of the inflation( the economic boom and bust cycles)
Their 1) rigged market increases cost of commodities (in the US farmers are paid subsidies to not grow creating shortages in NZ its exported) 2) the central banksters multinational retail food corp simultaneously raises food prices, the supermarket mafia join in their end, govts always lie about inflation ,the govt help keep wages low, bankster Interest rates are raised.
The housing market was inflated, targeted as red hot by corp media it is believed and acted on making a housing bubble, which is great for banksters and their MORT gages.
Very bad for us though.
https://substack.com/inbox/post/137138352. Maybe the rival party can help?
A couple of things about Liz Gunn. First of all she doesn't sound like someone who grew up in NZ, to me she sounds like she has some South African background. But all the claims are that she is a 'kiwi' despite the accent which is quite noticeably not a typical NZ one.
Her address on company records is an Auckland one but by that video it seems she lives in the Bay of Islands. That's nice.. she's got a bit of dosh, Liz has. Her former house in Sydney is an $8m property. But if you look back on her career it's, except for a few years in the late 90s, mostly poorly paid work one would have thought. Some of that work has now been deleted, you can only find it on archive.org. For example she did quite a lot of interviews for this crowd (which I'd never heard of before taking a bit of a look at Liz's backstory)
as you can see there's nothing there now but put it into archive.org and there is;
It's not a "media" outlet that could pay a lot based on the income that they receive. NZ is vastly over-represented in such "media" possibly a result of being considered a bolthole by many billionaires.
Secondly I had some stoushes with Liz on TwitterX recently and some conversation with her supporters who were prepared to listen (unlike say Green or Labour supporters) when I called her on her bullshit. I hadn't put her in the frame for my TwitterX banning, but maybe she should be as it looks like she could be a State actor.
More proof, if we needed it, that Liz is not kosher (I havn't watched the video but figure the description says it all).
Thanks for that Stegiel.
After eliminating every other party, including LIz's, I made a very late offer to stand for NZ First. They're currently doing their best to ignore that offer as well. I don't know what the requirement is to stand for one of these parties, maybe you have to give away your first born to them?
NZ Loyal has a shopfront here in the main commercial street of Dunedin. I guess they have them everywhere in NZ. Not exactly cheap if so, NZ Loyal must have some serious $ backing.
Is there a requirement for the funding to be reported? I had a freelance gig out of college working for California Cast Metals Association. I did a 20 year study of Tort Reform by following funding flows. A lot of fun. Then I moved to SF thus ending my Legislative Analysis career opportunity.
There is over a certain amount and it's supposed to be top limited as well but the National Party was caught out relatively recently trying to massage a large donation into small non reportable ones. Sorry I'm a bit vague on it.
I havn't read the candidate book although I have downloaded it. I guess for whatever reasons my unconsciousness had decided this election was not worth standing as an independent.
Here's a story on the National Party's attempts to hide donations.
But it's a conspiracy theory to believe that these monsters can create genetic "vaccines" (and gawd knows what) personalized to race and individuals (even though they've come right out and said this is their goal). Those who got "swabbed" over the last three years don't even realize they were being placed into a database. That was phase one. Next will be everyone's DNA in a database. But don't worry, it's because "they care" about us...
Australia (re)approved a company's nasal swab and saliva antigen tests.
So outrageous!
The Biolink blurb fantasizes some futuristic reverse black box to entice potential investors. Elizabeth Holmes less the looks, the contacts, the pedigree and the black turtleneck.
Guess what they want to do now? They want to continue selling the same test kits they've been selling.
How many will accept it?
But what the hell, burn it down anyway
How many people will accept what?
Fight fire with fire.
Trouble is that graphene is flammable.
Pyromania can be fun but graphene isn't flammable. Maybe try petrol.
Graphenes are being developed as flame retardants.
Graphene is just carbon. What does your imaginary black-magic "graphene" consist of?
A quick search told me that it (graphene oxide) was flammable. A longer search just now more or less confirms this and although there are some claims that it is not these seem biased towards tho$e who would say that.
Okay - Did you change the word "graphene" in your comment text to "graphene oxide?" That just sounds like it would burn.
I may have been quick to judge (again). Excusez-moi. But just this time.
Thanks for replying.
I have no doubt that you found something online confirming your belief. Or you may have found references to super heating graphene for sciencey purposes. It's just carbon - single layer carbon in hexagonal lattices.
That stuff inside pencils, graphite - that's carbon. Diamonds - they're carbon.
Ask Mrs. Seager about carbon allotropes, or allotrope$ in general. She's a teacher.
Not a science teacher. But one would think that if one was wrong about the flammability of graphene and had some involvement in it being injected into so many people & then at some point if those people became funeral pyres on (let's say for example) some sort of 5g signal that there would be some criminal liability right?
Funeral pyres take some effort - and kindling. But what the H? Charcoal briquettes burn, and I know Aussies love barbies - ergo - when you know, you know. New Zealand is Oz's very own Hawaii - kind of - so bury all of the graphene and paint your roofs blue.
Criminal liability? Wouldn't know. You're the attorney. I'm inclined to say, "Good luck with that." But as a U$A citizen, I also say, "Sue them, in multiple venues."
The 5G makes my titanium (penile) prosthesis ache when it rains.
Burn it all down is right.
Even had Victoria's chief of Police basically saying that a week ago. Victorian police currently hemorrhaging officers.
It's almost a novel...
Cars are the same, when I got ours serviced last time I was having a few problems with power steering so they suggested to take the bluetooth unit out.....
It's worked more or less like a charm.
And one of our e-bikes stopped working when it reached 2000kms or some such. It said on the display "go and get a service".