Apr 1Liked by Richard Seager

...but but according to Greg Reese he has more freedom to speak in Moscow than in the USA.

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Everyone has their own destiny, and world events have their own course to follow.

We can’t afford to be overwhelmed by events that are not in our control.

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"They are guarding ALL the doors. They are holding ALL the keys"


The ONLY way we win is by refusing to play on their board and instead tipping it over!

The new world awaits....we just need to stop being afraid.

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When enough of Us...

Dear AnyOne, I Am Not in Your Jurisdiction (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/dear-anyone-i-am-not-in-your-jurisdiction

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Freedom of Speech is a tricky subject, difficult to apply to all societies world-wide. it's a highly secular concept, and in many places it collides with religious and cultural ideas and practices. it certainly doesn't sit well with more authoritarian communities (including the military) and is incompatible with judicial constructs like Lèse-majesté.

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