Agree, these people are creepy af.

I'll also point out the Joe Bidens that all look different and then there's this: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uIjxkQvzGHGi/

What in the actual f0ck?

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What's your view? What is going on there?

I've seen similar with Jacinda Ardern btw. But vimeo took the video down when they took my channel down and I have yet to replace it.

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Seriously, I have no idea. I've been seeing videos of this nature for years. Digital artefacts cannot explain what is going on on screen because in many cases, the person who is doing something weird tries to get off camera or the people around them react to what is happening or the camera cuts to someone else for no reason when that person is still speaking.


Also, weird things in Biden's sleeve, appearing to diappear into his skin:


I don't know mate, I'm not a lunatic so won't say this is all real, but you have to say it's very odd.

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Definitely odd. I think tabasco sauce is good for snake oil. That reporter must have a sweet tooth.

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More likely explanation though is that games are being played via manipulation of digital media.

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Weak neck muscles. Or weak algorithms.

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