While I don't believe one second that the media depiction is the full story (I have seen e.g. Oliver Stone's "Ukraine on fire" from 2016, with interviews with the before-2014 president etc), I also find the "nothing going on at all" idea hard to believe. Now I can't check where which video material is coming from and from when (although there is now this added white [Z] on vehicles which is not in older film material), but there's quite a bit out there of tanks destroying stuff.

A so far unpolitical youtube channel I follow, "pocketpianist", a Ukraine-born woman who lives in Austria (or was is Switzerland), recently claimed certain culturally significant places in her hometown were turned to rubble. She unfortunately has not mentioned a place name. I would not suspect her of lying. She could also have been misled, but probably has connections to e.g. old relatives who would know.

*Someone* did definitely strike a comms building in Kiev, not far of the Babi Yar - which a lot of "news" outlets claimed was the target, but it wasn't, it only caught some flying rubble.

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I agree. I said on introduction to this piece that I was not 100% onboard with it. Nevertheless the narrative is being exaggerated by news media. Somewhere between 'it's completely fake' and the media's version lies the truth.

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Fair enough. I'm sitting on that fence in the region between "it's some higher level theater for less obvious end goals & Putin is playing along" vs. "Putin is drawing a line in the sand after he watched the West trample over one after another of the verbally agreed upon lines for too long"

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A Polish friend, not without connections, thinks that China and Russia did a Ribbentrop/Molotov deal at the Olympics (not sure if he meant Summer or Winter, I guess Winter).

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022Liked by Richard Seager

The English are famous for queuing, and I always thought it polite. Wait your turn.

This report shows what we always discover: if we actually know anything about the situation then we know that the media is lying. (I think that there is a term for that.)

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Not good, normally, for a business to make people queue, you'll lose customers.

Pretty common with utilities on the phone. Always peeved me off that they assume their time, money, is more important than yours.

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I would queue for hot cakes.

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Mar 11, 2022·edited Mar 11, 2022Liked by Richard Seager

Other observations- the Russians have had Kyiv encircled for two weeks and today on the mainstream news they again said the Russians have almost encircled Kyiv. How does Kyiv still have power? how does the President of Ukraine stay in his office unharmed? What am I missing?

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Did you see his post a few days back about the psychological effects of queuing? Not to change the subject to the pandemic but that is EXACTLY what was intended during the lockdowns and lines to buy food. Disgusting psychological oppression.

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I saw him mention that in this series of short videos. And yesterday on Twitter somebody in Christchurch mentioned a queue for petrol there to which somebody chimed in with 'yes it's the same here in Dunedin'. Well it's not the same here in Dunedin, there are no queues for petrol.

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just setting up plausibility of next pathogen escape... lights, camera, action...

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I wonder if any 'pathogens' actually work in the way that we've been told. 4 billion years or so of evolution, you'd think that we'd have built resistance to anything that could be in the air (or water) by now save for the industrial pollutants we eject.

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the ‘carbon narrative’ is a giant smokescreen while they’re loading us up with toxic unnatural EMFs to go live with the meta verse

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Mar 12, 2022·edited Mar 12, 2022Author

Something is heating up the Northern Hemisphere, likely industrial pollution. The northern ice cap is melting and temperatures on the Arctic have been absurd over the last few summers. But agree on carbon. In past, I've said it often but will repeat it, CO2 has always followed warming and has not been the causative agent. That doesn't mean that it can't be but maybe not to the extent postulated.

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Richard Seager

I saw this in the Twitter thread. I can say I was shocked at the apparent media lies, though I shouldn’t have been. The worst insult my dad had for anyone was to call them a crook. These are all a bunch of crooks.

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RemovedMar 11, 2022Liked by Richard Seager
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Probably a real estate scam. Redo Kiev as a surveillance (smart) city after you've forced everyone out. In the past epidemics have been used as real estate scams, in Hong Kong, Mumbai and Naples in the 19th Century.

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