I think it is too early to decide as the scars of this disease are going to follow us for years.

Australians are now being offered a fifth vaccine.

Also, I think we all have to take some responsibility for this event. In a way we have brought

it upon ourselves. There has been years of no respect for our environment.

Man has caused more damage than any other creature on earth.

If a bat is behind this pandemic, either way by natural occurrence, or interference from

'gain of function' insertion by scientists. Why the bat? Why not the bat?

We never though twice about moving in and damaging their habitat - so why wouldn't

they move in and damage ours - where else could they go?

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"Australians are now being offered a fifth vaccine."

Yes I saw. Also Karl Stefanovic has openly opposed them, he can't do that without permission.

"Also, I think we all have to take some responsibility for this event. In a way we have brought it upon ourselves."

But these are separate issues. The pandemic is just an outright fraud. There's no monkeys or bats involved as the virus doesn't exist. So we have two issues;

1. the likes of Bill Gates and his love of eugenics.

2. the environment which we are all trashing to a degree, but the likes of Bill Gates are doing far more trashing than we are.

The problem with the second is that without the capital that the guy mentioned has there's really not a lot that you can do. We are giving control of the capital to the wrong guys. Or let's say our ancestors gave it to the wrong guys. Never trust a Greek with a gift or something along those lines but they all lined up for their gifts, gifts that came at the expense of the wider society.

As for gain of function it too is a fraud. But it attracts a lot of support ($$$$) from government due to the bogus claims that it makes. That it can kill all your enemies. There's no virus that can do that. Only an injection campaign. Why are our Governments, and those who sponsor them, our enemies? Is there something that we have yet to be told?

Re the environment, I have serious doubts right now that CO2 is a causative agent of the Earth's warming. But regardless it would seem that all of the Big Capital solutions are not solutions at all. EVs are likely to emit more emissions than petrol driven cars (source is Toyota but it sounds plausible to me), wind farms are some of the biggest fossil fuel projects around (their manufacture, their delivery and even a little their operation) and apparently they're not working that great a decade on. Mike Moore's movie Planet of the Humans was scathing (justifiably) of some of the big solar farms that had been built in the US.

So where do we go, how do we get there?

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

I never said it was a virus. It is being treated as a virus and perhaps that is why the vaccines are not working and casing harm as they are constructed for a virus.

I called it a disease - it could be anything, but it appears to be 'something' as a lot of people have been and still are very ill. I agree with you about your serious doubts on

CO2 being an environmental cause, some experts have also found that to be the case.

I have noticed that people, mostly men I am sorry to say, can't wait to tear down trees.

My neighbour, when he moved in couldn't wait to rip out every tree on his property and got irritated with mine, even though they were not affecting him. I nicknamed him, 'Nullabor', as you know there are no trees, or very few, on the Nullabor Plains.

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We've been burning trees for about 8k years. Some climate scientists reckon that's when the Anthropocene started.

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Personally I think that we need to go small. But I don't want 15 minute dystopian cities.

I think that the WEF is rapidly turning off any willingness to address environmental concerns.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

Need public naming and shaming and firing of major perps and paying back of all the money they got through their extortions.

Those in positions of power should not be allowed to hold important government positions again.

Then I won't "forgive" but I will move on. Otherwise they will think that they got away with it and will do it all again.

But yes, this Covid stuff is a distraction from the control coming with CBDC, which is worse actually. Death and disability of many are pretty serious but control of everyone, well that means Everyone.

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Lustration is the word I was looking for.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

I’ll forgive in the sense, I put God first.

Unforgiveness separates me from God, a self will energy.

So I surrender the outcome and my heart to God.

I am praying to not carry the load by myself

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Fair enough. And although I'm an atheist I can understand where you are coming from.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Richard Seager


Right on

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

Sounds to me like a psyop in itself, its just going after the "rules".

Pointedly in that there is only the (govt following CDC org) "rules" policies being found as an error .

They are not acknowledging there was no proof of threat no " covid" , or that govts forced people into a global medical experiment (human GMO trial) and that was also bloody " erroneous" .

And that crime of omission means they can replay the lie "viruses" are real contagion BS and make people play the fear game whenever they like .

For many stuck in the mind programs of fear the news story will make them angry hardening their resolve to never forgive.

I'm a big proponent of forgiveness.

Forgiveness it is a gift given to yourself.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

I may forgive, but I will NEVER forget!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

It wouldn't make sense to try and round up all of the perpetrators of the crimes of the last three years because, as you mentioned, there are thousands. But we absolutely should be demanding the key players be apprehended and put on the stand. I'm all about forgiveness, but that mercy is reserved for those who repent and have genuine remorse for their crimes. I can't imagine forgiving a smug Fauci or any of his ilk. He, and those in his camp are proud of what they've done...

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Pretty much how I feel. But the downside is that you are leaving perpetrators around for another go later, so you better have a plan to deal with that.

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"Can you blame a psychopath for being a psychopath? "

Yes because they set up the system. They warred in its favour. And they went way too far to defend it. It seems that wars are often eugenicist ones.

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I don't enable the system terribly much.

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My policy the last few years has been one of strong resistance. Probably as much as anybody tbh.

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My last vote was spoiled too btw. And I wrote on the form, why (anti- women transgender Acts).

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And in regards to it being set up before I was born, a Lord in the UK was quoted a few years ago when asked how to get rich 'win a war'.

I'm sure that he didn't win a war.

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I don't enable it.

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