Yeah sure Facebook
People say this is a stalking horse for transhuman rights, but it may be alien/human hybrids who emerge on top. Race is entering home stretch.
I like the X Files but preferably as fiction.
Definitely. Reading Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity by David Jacobs based on recovered memories of abductees groomed for training hubrids=high end alien hybrids- They are not too different from the current psychopaths in charge.
But sure is crazy out there.
It seems that I've managed to score some sort of Facebook censorship over this one. I shall just leave if it for a day or two and see if it goes away.
No shadowbans on Twitter currently although if not logged in not all my posts seem to come up.
In most cases, I think you can tell, just by looking at them.
Stats to this blog are through the roof right now. Will be interesting to see if it translates to votes.
Since Optus has been hacked in Australia, I now identify as being ten years younger and a legless lizard. 🍺 I must formalise this down the RMS.
My phone is with Optus, so all my details have been hacked. it wasn't you was it?
I have two phones with them. Better check I guess.
People say this is a stalking horse for transhuman rights, but it may be alien/human hybrids who emerge on top. Race is entering home stretch.
I like the X Files but preferably as fiction.
Definitely. Reading Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity by David Jacobs based on recovered memories of abductees groomed for training hubrids=high end alien hybrids- They are not too different from the current psychopaths in charge.
But sure is crazy out there.
It seems that I've managed to score some sort of Facebook censorship over this one. I shall just leave if it for a day or two and see if it goes away.
No shadowbans on Twitter currently although if not logged in not all my posts seem to come up.
In most cases, I think you can tell, just by looking at them.
Stats to this blog are through the roof right now. Will be interesting to see if it translates to votes.
Since Optus has been hacked in Australia, I now identify as being ten years younger and a legless lizard. 🍺 I must formalise this down the RMS.
My phone is with Optus, so all my details have been hacked. it wasn't you was it?
I have two phones with them. Better check I guess.