Just reading Guy Hatchard on the destruction of the *social compact*.

Yes, he's correct on this.

People have been made out to be fools for trusting the government.

Such that we have all been taken advantage of. Cindy will take credit for people trusting her, and duping them, but she is destroying decades of trust built up as part of the social compact. And she will skite to the WEFers about how clever she was.

Then she will be off to some fancy job with the unelected UN. ( un = un, as in not). She need never face the music, and Luxon will take over, and he will be as bad, but more transparently bad.

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Did you see Jacinda's cocaine hands? All over Twitter.

I havn't had time to read Hatchard lately. I guess I should have a go.

I did some gardening today. I set the trolls off on Twitter again as well, they've been coming at me every 10 seconds for the last 24 hours or so.

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I am going to a councillor party apres the vote counting.

Are you having one.

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It depends. If I get elected I might just turn the phone off and enjoy the evening with family.

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Catch up on Hatchard later; you are busy with creating history yourself right now.

And improving your own community

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How do I get to look at cocaine hands, and how do I recognize them?

Is that part of the dirt that Anal Swab has on her.

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I'm just a tinsy bit naiive as I don't do Twitter etc.

And a wee bit fascinated.

Would I recognize a troll?

How does one go about getting one?

Can anyone have one?

Do you have to feed them.

Are they like a pet?

I hope your gardening wasn't just weeding, hope that you are growing some edible trolls.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022Author

It's here.


Twitter is chokablok full of trolls. You can tell them by the fact that their followers are like 5 times or more their followers and if you know Twitter well enough you can also tell by who are their follows/followers. I had one that was following all my harassers so I tweeted the whole list and they have yet to stop insulting me well over 24 hours later.

I have no idea how I'm going to go this election. Will have to wait and see I guess.

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Is it the nervous hands touching the face that is the clue.

Doesn't seem definitive of anything except nerves to me.

I did not have the sound turned on.

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the eyes are a bit glassy as well. She should be well over nerves by now but I guess she has an attempt at genocide to explain.

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Well observed.

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Oh how embarrassing, I keep replying to myself.

I know that you have a big readership so why am I feeling lonely.

PS I am trying to wean myself off of question marks, because they are so bossy.

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I have been over on Facebook. It's not as bad as Twitter. More level headed.

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Also much better for an election campaign than Twitter is.

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Is that a typo or jesting.

Did make me laugh.

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My wife told me that I'd made a spelling mistake when she read it...

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Fun to leave it in.

Bit like wrong apostrophes.

Makes us minions feel smart for noticing.

What! You let your wife read your social media?

Not the done thing.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022Author

She gets notifications. I didn't even know that she was reading it. The misspelling is deliberate as it's what I think (the author) Morgan Godfery is.

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