A teacher acquaintance advises me that teachers just got 3k+ bonus, for what she called striking and keeping children out of school. She will continue to vote Labour though as she knows which side her bread is buttered on. And she wants taxes raised to pay teachers and nurses and police more.

I told her it was inflationary so we had some mutual eye-rolling.

I don't know if this vote bribe was in the MSM, as I don't follow that tripe.

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Those teachers, nurses and police sound like entitled socialists that want everything given to them for pretending to "work" at jobs most could do in their sleep.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Author

My wife is an ex-teacher. Her and most of her fellow teachers (most not all) worked pretty hard and there was a lot of work outside of the class as well. For professionals that have trained for 4 years they also wern't paid a lot compared to say Lawyers (who have a similar number of years of training).

Lots of issues in 2023 though that wern't there before. Not sure of the quality these days. A lot have obviously left the profession in the last few years though because Dan Andrews is offering to pay for their training, in Victoria (Oz), as of the last 24 hours.

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My wife is a retired teacher. She worked very hard and was very conscientious, too much so at times as there are other things to life.

She said the bad teachers tend to get booted into management. I am not sure this means they are good managers though. :)

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In USA and Canada lawyers do 3 yesrs law school after 4 year undergrad. Why would you impugn lawyers by comparing them to lazy teachers?

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My wife says "not really" when I asked her if she wanted to respond.

LLBs are more common down this way than JDs.

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See. Teacher. Lazy. Please thank her for making my point - when she wakes up again.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Author

And anyway JDs are more likely to be 2 years I thought. Are Lawyers too dumb to do it in that timeframe? (I hated Torts)

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

ABA stands steadfast in requiring three years, despite some calls for reduction. Completing in two years not possible unless in some type of combined degree program.

Not that familiar with the machinations but I have read that keeping it three years has something to do with slowing down the firehose of attorney production. Too many can't find employment.

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Not sure where he's going to get the money from though as Victoria is quite obviously broke.

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Ideal candidates for UBI.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

Regarding X (Twitter): we would say in Australia ‘Fair Suck of the Sauce Bottle'

Interpreted for those who don't understand our slang it means:

X is being unreasonable in what they expect to be acceptable in not allowing a 'fair go' a reasonable

opportunity to participate.

NZ is likely to be still recovering from the harshness of Jacinda's policies as Luxon wasn't popular with many National voters for a long time. One side of my NZ family were strong National supporters

but now considering voting for Winston Peters.

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As you know Winny has a decent drop of Maori blood. He has stated the obvious in saying that Maori are not indigenous.

I hadn't realised that anyone thought that they were, but I am not keeping up with the up is down world.

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Aren't Maori indigenous-ish? And they were sort of "from the neighborhood" - or their ancestors were. AD 1300s vs. ~AD 1840?

Not accounting for "sightings" and scattered whalers and such.

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Winston Peters (half Maori, half Scottish) is saying that they came from the mythical Hawaiki and that "you can't be indigenous to two places".

The main problem here at the moment is that those who can't trace any ancestors to that mythical place are being told that they're 2nd class citizens and in effect with various policies of the current Government (co-governance, three waters) are in fact in the process of being made 2nd class citizens. It's a corporate run agenda, Klaus policy with NZ attributes.

As for where Maori come from my current hypothesis is that Portuguese & Spanish brigs bought their ancestors here.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

You can claim to be indigenous-ish from more than one place.

Some Zionist Jews of European ancestry -

Your hypothesis? Go and prove it, Dr. Archeology. Or pay to have it done.

I don't know anything about Maori but if you don't agree with consensus understanding of Maori coming from other South Pacific islands, on their own - whatever - but I think they can radiodate Maori stuff to present day NZ before there is any evidence of Europeans. And Maori relics and sh*t.

But I have no idea what I'm typing about.

And why would anyone outside of NZ/Oz care what Winston Peters says about anything? Is he your trump-figure?

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023Author

First of all that's quite the edit. It doesn't look anything like the post that I responded to. Anyway.....


I think the main problem is the 2nd class citizen stuff. If we could just accept that everyone is equal no matter when they landed here then we could maybe move on from this. Instead we have claims that Welsh Celts were here before Maori and so on. Nevertheless I think our current story on the history of this place pre 1840 is pretty much bunk. Whalers were definitely coming here early on, Portuguese & Spanish were very likely here even earlier (probably a few hundred years earlier).

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I think that I typed earlier that NZ seems to have really embraced all of the PC stuff. I hate the overused word "woke."

Jackalinda Ardern - I mean Jacinda. She took you guys' Second Amendment Rights away! And "she" is a "trans woman" anyway.

NZ history - It cannot be so open to interpretation as you suggest. That's what archaeologists spend careers studying, and anthropologists - and some biologists - they carbon date bones - sequence the DNA. They're not off by 400 years from just 500-800 years ago.

Got it now. Wikipedia can be a poor source but the first section of the "Pre-Māori settlement of New Zealand theories" article sounds about right.

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Winston has a Trump like advantage of being a protest vote.

A spoiled vote or a stay at home doesn't have any clout, but voting for Winny makes people mad so that's a plus.

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Winny says he's wanting to pay compensation to the clot shotted. I wouldn't vote for that as we can't afford it.

Unless Fizzer and the perps are made to pay.

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Imagine if Winston did get compensation for the clotted, all of a sudden people would not be in denial as to the cause of their clots etc.

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No they'd all be claiming.

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Upon reflection I can see that Winny's idea is a good one.

Getting compensation would be a stronger urge than the urge to pretend that the injuries were just weird temporal coincidence.

Worth a loss of pride and worth admitting that they were tricked.

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Yes but not paid by taxpayers. Let's get the shareholders of Pfizer (that be Blackrock et al) to pay up.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Author

I think NZ First is capable of replacing Labour as the 2nd largest party and conceivably if anything nasty comes out about one of the Nats, say Luxon, (they might even be) running the country in 5 weeks (very unlikely I'd have to say although I do believe Labour might have such a p̶r̶o̶b̶l̶e̶m̶ scandal very soon)

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I appreciate that you are following the circus so I do not need to.

US politics is at least one stage removed on Substack.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Author

I went to a "scientists talk" on South Dunedin tonight. I could probably do a post on it. But at the end of the night one of the presenters told me how pumped hydro works. It's basically a ponzi scheme.

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I would like to know more to rebut some recruits.

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My parents alternated between Labour & National, both their families being strongly National. They may have even voted Green at some stage (but hopefully not recently).

Both my brothers are probably more National than Labour, one definitely is. I guess I should try and find out how they are falling on this one.

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I expect the reason weasel Hipkins was appointed, was just to get that particular group of scum to the end of the allotted period.

Bell rings.

Now the 'roll on deodorant' guy, appointed from the other scum group, have their set period.

I don't expect to see the masses arise until they are being actively culled.

And no, they don't see the current method as an active cull.

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rollon deodorant has aluminium as a dessicant.

Yes it's all decided of course but Labour candidates will still want their noses in the trough so I guess they like to try a bit.

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Let's hope they do. Apparently the difference between women and men supporting Labour was 20% points but has now dropped to zero. That's their core support gone. Maybe the women are waking up their kids having targets on their heads (or more specifically on their genitals by transgender Inc.)

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I don't know why so many women are so naiive. I guess they don't trust men so they prefer to trust the government.

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