Failure of Intelligence.

It is reported that Egypt warned Israel three days before that Hamas

was plotting an attack. It had been planned for up to a year.

“The law of Time is repetition. What once occurred in Time is bound to

re-occur again and again; the intervals, in the case of Man, may be long

or brief depending on the intensity of each man’s desire and will for

repetition” — Mikhail Naimy

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the age old debate about whether we have free will or not.

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Hamas was created by the IDF to be the guards of the concentration camp, outdoor prison, known as Gaza.

Psyop in progress. Many 'official' claims made and the media propagandists are repeating these and making their own claims. None of these claims are supported by any evidence.

Photos of dead bodies - Who are they and who killed them? Where were the photos taken? By who?

And so on.

Who benefits from all this? Israeli elites. Bankers. Military finances. The narrative creators. Your 'govt.'

And so on.

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Considering that there were widespread protests in Israel well Netanyahu & co benefit. But also Hamas benefits? Or are they an Al Queda type of org?

Who left the gates open?

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Hamas are employed. They are carrying out orders, so their contracted benefits will come from that, likely certain bonuses were promised.

Distraction is one of the purposes, to Netanyahoo's benefit, money laundering is another for bankers and 3 letter agencies.

The gates were left open by whoever had that job.

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That is a "qualified" message... and I just watched Tony Blinken and watched the news conferences. Evil is evil. I just pray because there is never sanity in WAR. I just cried when I heard about the horrors. This is not anything like 9/11. This is like the images from the Holocaust which have been largely suppressed. I have seen them many times. There is no use saying anything trite like the repetition of insanity or looking into the abyss when the images of horrific death which will continue until it is over. I will not argue or debate about the morality of War. All WAR is EVIL. I stand w/ Israel. I was shocked when I saw that happened and wait and watch w/ the rest of world and remain in prayer as a Christian.

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Israel has just told the UN (considering Israel's antipathy to the same it's a bit rich) to evacuate a million people from Northern Gaza. Maybe not the Holocaust but more the Warsaw uprising/Ghetto if you're looking for parallels.

I'd rather look for some sort of world wide agreement but all our politicians are bought and paid for so are just going to do platitudes. Maybe Macron's turn to show that he has some balls.

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We can stay sane as individuals as this version of the world collapses via complete implosion on nearly every front. No small thing to stay sane, let alone strong.

Those behind this latest disaster, aren't interested in sanity of course and many of us are captured by their lies. The cult is after full control and will take as many with them as they can.

It's a frequency game essentially; keep yours strong, don't get pulled into fear.

Sadly much of it is just gonna have to unwind, there isn't much we can do to stop it.

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WW3 or WW whatever iteration solves quite a problems for the Globalist Hegemony seekers.


and of course https://azradale.substack.com/p/war-and-natural-gas-the-israeli-invasion

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