Bill and Melinda Gates are Ahab and Jezebel spirits. Jezebel was worse.

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In my opinion both Ardern and Melinda Gates are vile women.

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And both want to inject vials into people! Vial and vile women.

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She destroyed New Zealand, the hateful narcissist .

What will she do with the money, she is so thick and unable to achieve any goals set, apart from the complete destruction of our society.

Hated in New Zealand is an understatement

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She is the most vile and toxic bitch about…

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In case anyone wondered how evil Bill’s exist is.

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Scumbag bitch

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Rude but accurate. I called her a piece of shit when she went to the Esplanade restaurant.


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both are c*nts and that's that

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So depressing

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What a moneyed play! I ponder, as a woman (real, natural-born), how much of that money will be handed to Me... LOL!

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Maybe those two bitches will run soon!

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I'm actually genuinely curious:

Have Jacinda's parents or siblings given any interviews recently?

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Her father has his own problems especially out in the Pacific where he played dictator during Covid with lockdowns that were harsher than his daughter’s. In the tropics for added absurdity.

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He’s as dispicable as his evil daughter

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Tell me more!

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Ok let’s start here;


Those raids are quite famous in NZ and in fact one of Urewera crew ended up in Ardern’s Government.


She wasn’t there when everybody got arrested as far as I know but she was definitely one of that crew who were mostly Maori but included a couple of Germans as well. One of the ones who was arrested, Rangi Kemara, is a bit of a shit shilling for the establishment on Twitter these days. He lies a lot.

Anyway Jacinda’s dad went on to run the Covid camp called Tokelau. No dissidence allowed.


Maybe this is a better link (anything to do with Liz Gunn, as per that nzdsos link, tends to crap in my view)


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The Arderns are good at getting others to do their dirty work.

Ardern Snr will have learnt to keep his hands clean after the overstayer bad look, and the follow on was that Jabcinda is drama queen of virtue signalling.

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My cat is more deserving and he does nothing more than sleep for about 18 hours a day...and then licking himself and lazing in the sun most of the remaining time!

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How much per head (scalp) does that work out for the Saint Jabcinda.

Can I reuse my line from your last post Richard and say:

Jabcinda should have been given 30ml of vaccine.

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Quite obscene that the uber rich can splash around this amount of money that can affect society far more than its elected representatives.

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Outrage of outrages. I do not say this lightly: "Off with his/her head!"

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Jacinda Ardern, 43, who married her longtime partner Clarke Gayford, 47, in January 2024, is on rather friendly terms with King Chucky's son, Prince William, and he/she/it has agreed to concoct climate/weather schemes with Prince William:

"Prince William has revealed that he is "honoured" to hand over a very important royal job to New Zealand's former Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern" for her "lifelong commitment to sustainable development and climate action align powerfully with our ambition to protect and restore our planet by 2030." https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1754463/Prince-William-Jacinda-Ardern-Earthshot-role


Meanwhile in New Zealand -- thanks to MURDERESS Jacinda Ardern THIS just happened:

New Zealand Highlanders outside back Connor Garden-Bachop, a father of two, died of a medical event in Christchurch yesterday. He was just 25.

"Wherever he played, he was a committed and popular team-mate with infectious energy and someone who could light up the room. Most importantly, he was a loving father to his twin girls, a brother, a son and immeasurably loved by all those who knew him."



Sounds like Prince William AND Melinda Gates both want Jacinda Ardern to do to the world what she did to New Zealand. Arrogant monsters always making plans. Disgusting persons all 3 of them!

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Yep did a Substack on Garden-Baschop yesterday.


Clearly Ardern is to blame but none of the so called journalists have got the gonads to cover it here in NZ.

That’s right isn’t it @henrycooke ?

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