Jan 26, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

A most interesting and well written (clear and comprehensive) insight into the problems facing agriculture farming and the unusual suggestion for our survival. An enjoyable read.

It is difficult to get used to new ideas such as this ... Let's hope the bacteria is tasty!

Who Knows what the future holds. We may be forced into this.

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Yeah the bit about where the fertilizer came from - I figure the WEF has been planning to do the same.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

RE the soil consider my theory in the light of Govt funding 15 million to research to cover up what they must already know: 1080 causes Kauri die back.

And it does this because 1080 kills the Insects that aerate the soil and dig tunnels that provide channels for water.

So it becomes dead soil, water logged full of the fungus-like pathogen Phytophthora agathidicida

1080 is dropped killing the microbes and life in soil without the life and oxygen it increases the water mold /fungus= die back .

The soil dies.

But the madness of poisoning nature( ie the war on nature)really comes from human unconsciousness. Insanity-featuring greed of those that profit off dropping 3x recommended amount of 1080 poison into the earth and rivers. The algae helps try to 'purify' water by absorbing it = toxic algae.

Then we have govt making unmasked people spray roundup all day long .

And they dont care about pollution they just want to maintain (mind)control and to trade emissions and carbons industry ( which will push more people into poverty).

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Author

Yes there are too many supporters of these things like 1080 and fluoride. The NZ Skeptics for example are 100% shills of such things. And my resistance to round-up goes all the way back to the early 1980s.

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I figure it had a hand in killing my mother.

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What happened to your mother?

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Author

She eventually died of the breast cancer that she first hooked up with in her late 50s. But as she was working and living on an Orchard so was being exposed to round-up all the time. I'd also blame the saccharin that she put in her tea a little.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

That is sad, sorry to hear this. Breast cancers are solid tumours and are much harder to treat

than other tumours that are not 'solid'.

Round-up has definitely been linked to Lymphoma (cancer of the Immune system)

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Officially it was brain cancer that she died of.

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Mind you my father also worked and lived on that orchard and was likely exposed to round-up even more so. But I guess it can be a little random. Anyway I was well read up on the toxicness of round-up by my early 20s.

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Has anyone in your family traced your lineage back to Fanny Seager or either her daughter, Edith or sons Samuel, Henry and Edward Seager referred to in the family history document?

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

My neighbour grows and sells tropical fish and presents his argument to me that he uses round-up in their fish tanks and they don't die!

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

What exactly is 1080?

In Queensland, 1080 is registered for use in the control of wild dogs, feral pigs, foxes and rabbits. 1080 is widely used in Australia to protect agricultural production and native flora and fauna from the impacts of pest animals.

1080 is toxic to all living species, including microbes, plants, insects, birds, and humans. In mammals, it causes birth defects, reduced fertility, and damage to the reproductive system, brain, heart, and other organs.

Anecdotal evidence indicates that its use may be linked to an increased risk of developing cancer. There are reports that the Nazis considered using the poison on Jewish prisoners in concentration camps but decided not to because of the danger to the guards.

1080 is still used in Australia, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, and New Zealand. It is banned in most countries, including the US, where it was outlawed in the early 1970s because of civilian deaths.

So, why, why, why, isn't this banned here?

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

Sodium fluoroacetate (1080) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, water-soluble metabolic poison that inhibits the citric acid cycle and reduces the rate of cellular metabolism.

It is reported to have no effect on the quality of our soils - just like the mRNA vaccines have no effect on us!

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I think 1080 is basically Agent Orange if I remember correctly.

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