4 votes out of 31 are from the left. Not a good pick-up. The left is on its way out by the looks of it, driven to their graves by a non-existent virus.
I wish there would have been an option that is NO set political ideology. That being said (and I'd have to look it up), when Trump was in office and rolling out the warp speed shots, the so-called "left" were saying no way in hell they would take it. The poll above was reversed. Even Kamala (and if I remember correctly, Biden as well) very publicly stated they wouldn't be taking the "vaccine". As soon as Biden took office, most of the "left" got on board immediately. It was one of the most uncanny things I'd ever seen. I've always been anti pharma as an adult and never considered it was for a political reason. I just cared about myself and my family and believe it's the right decision for me and others can do whatever they like...
Have you ever seen that really funny commercial where the waitress said to the diner eating eggs and bacon, an asteroid is coming and time will be 25 hours a day.. the guy said to her: WOW, then it is EGGS and BACON 25 hours a day. I know I have medical dark sense of humor.. but that is how I feel about all these "outrageous" assertions world over.. NO MAN KNOWS WHAT IS COMING: ONE DAY AT A TIME.. or in the old days it would have been more romantic: A bottle of wine, a loaf of bread and THOU. Read into that what you will. HAVE A GREAT weekend. :)
No American in their right mind would answer that POLL because there is NO CORRELATION between Vaccines and politics as a retired scientist in America. 'just sayin.
I an not an anarchist.. I am an American Christian who has a degree in Molecular Biology. Polls like that are simply not helpful and WHO THE HELL WOULD ANSWER SUCH A POLL? regardless of WORLD VIEW OR WHATEVER? anyway.
While I have an overall favorable view of RFKJr, I have always had one issue with him, which most people seem to ignore or be ignorant of: He is PRO-vaccines and has said that there is nothing wrong with them, as long as they pass HIS idea of "safe".
The C19 vaxx did not pass HIS "safety test", so he is against it, but what if it had?
He was of the class that supports vaccines for those who are not of that class. Difficult for him, he'll lose all his friends. But this wavering that he is doing is going to leave him stranded with no support on either side of this issue.
Interestingly, after I posted that comment, I have became aware of the following video clip from the RFKJr confirmation hearing, which I was unable to watch as it occurred:
WATCH: In addition to calling Operation Warp Speed an “extraordinary accomplishment,” RFK Jr. says he “supports” the measles and polio vaccines, recommends “that children follow the CDC schedule,” and will “support the CDC schedule” as HHS secretary, which includes HPV vaccines.]
I found that reference at the bottom of the following article, which is well worth reading if there is any interest in the discussion about vaccines:
I have been invited to the vaccine conference in Montreal in July.
4 votes out of 31 are from the left. Not a good pick-up. The left is on its way out by the looks of it, driven to their graves by a non-existent virus.
I wish there would have been an option that is NO set political ideology. That being said (and I'd have to look it up), when Trump was in office and rolling out the warp speed shots, the so-called "left" were saying no way in hell they would take it. The poll above was reversed. Even Kamala (and if I remember correctly, Biden as well) very publicly stated they wouldn't be taking the "vaccine". As soon as Biden took office, most of the "left" got on board immediately. It was one of the most uncanny things I'd ever seen. I've always been anti pharma as an adult and never considered it was for a political reason. I just cared about myself and my family and believe it's the right decision for me and others can do whatever they like...
Have you ever seen that really funny commercial where the waitress said to the diner eating eggs and bacon, an asteroid is coming and time will be 25 hours a day.. the guy said to her: WOW, then it is EGGS and BACON 25 hours a day. I know I have medical dark sense of humor.. but that is how I feel about all these "outrageous" assertions world over.. NO MAN KNOWS WHAT IS COMING: ONE DAY AT A TIME.. or in the old days it would have been more romantic: A bottle of wine, a loaf of bread and THOU. Read into that what you will. HAVE A GREAT weekend. :)
No American in their right mind would answer that POLL because there is NO CORRELATION between Vaccines and politics as a retired scientist in America. 'just sayin.
That's what I'm trying to point out.
I hate badly designed polls. Where is the Anarchist/Voluntaryism option? Add my vote of NO to it.
I don't think there was any more options available. I think it was restricted to 5.
wow - only 41% of republicans (who all should be considered conservative or ‘not left leaning’)
I look upon conservatives as being more pragmatic versus touchy/feely, more commonsense type people. (remember, only my opinion of what I’ve observed)
I’m totally surprised that there are not more republicans who are against the mrna shot
I can't answer that survey. I am anarchist abundancist. LOL!
The Third Option: Anarcho-Abundancism (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-third-option-anarcho-abundancism
I an not an anarchist.. I am an American Christian who has a degree in Molecular Biology. Polls like that are simply not helpful and WHO THE HELL WOULD ANSWER SUCH A POLL? regardless of WORLD VIEW OR WHATEVER? anyway.
I know a number of christians that are "americans," who are also anarchists. [shrug]
Be that as it may, the polls are useful in assuaging the curiosity of the One who put them up. Haha!
Not sure why anyOne would want to hand over Their sovereignty to anyOne, and especially not to the moneyed psychopaths presently in control...
I Have Authority Over You (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-have-authority-over-you
The News As A Situation Puzzle
or a lateral thinking puzzle...
I know plenty of democrats that didn’t get jabbed. Many lost their jobs. But, most are silent about it. They hate Trump.
All politicians are the same, so the question is meaningless.
my category:”all politicians are corrupted or they wouldn’t be politicians “
plus: anti- vax
I have always said that anyone who wants the job should NEVER be allowed to have it.
And, anti-ALLvaxxes.
While I have an overall favorable view of RFKJr, I have always had one issue with him, which most people seem to ignore or be ignorant of: He is PRO-vaccines and has said that there is nothing wrong with them, as long as they pass HIS idea of "safe".
The C19 vaxx did not pass HIS "safety test", so he is against it, but what if it had?
He was of the class that supports vaccines for those who are not of that class. Difficult for him, he'll lose all his friends. But this wavering that he is doing is going to leave him stranded with no support on either side of this issue.
Interestingly, after I posted that comment, I have became aware of the following video clip from the RFKJr confirmation hearing, which I was unable to watch as it occurred:
[Decensored News
WATCH: In addition to calling Operation Warp Speed an “extraordinary accomplishment,” RFK Jr. says he “supports” the measles and polio vaccines, recommends “that children follow the CDC schedule,” and will “support the CDC schedule” as HHS secretary, which includes HPV vaccines.]
I found that reference at the bottom of the following article, which is well worth reading if there is any interest in the discussion about vaccines: