You may be interested in this, if you haven't seen it already:


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I have seen parts of it. Yet to have a close look.

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This was in Aust ABC news this morning:


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I need to have a closer look at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and Greenland. I havn't had a decent look for about 4 years or so.

Aaron Hawkins today on our Channel 39 interviews said "Build Back Better" and I have it recorded. Just thinking of putting it together in a video montage.

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I was a little nervous, felt my delivery was a little rushed.

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It is good to get a little nervous as it shows you care about the issues.

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It's all about who pays for the solution. BTW I don't know anything about South Dunedin, so I am just enjoying sitting here opining.

Whether it's the taxpayer or the rate payer or the landowner or insurance.

There's a lot of coastal erosion going on and what it surely is eroding is beach front property prices.

To me that's how it should work. Eventually the property will be really cheap and can go back to being just suitable for a weekend bach.

And if it gets washed away in a high spring tide, well the parties involved had fun while it lasted. Caveat emptor.

Beach front real estate is musical chairs.

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I'm more thinking of the commercial and business areas of South Dunedin. I agree with you otherwise.

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Jesus dear lord are you a UN believer( a climateer?) Convid19 and the GMO trial didn't catch you but Greta and the gweenies did?

The climate has ALWAYS been changing.

The climate drivers are the Sun, oceans( water vapor) and the earth( as you know it tilts and you get the seasons , its not that people drive around and make summer)

So has erosion always been a factor (and the tectonic plates moving).

We always have had 20yr flood events.

Hotter summers a few years back its cyclical.

C02 is not a pollutant.

A carbon industry (which is what the central banksters want) and trading scheme will put many more into poverty.



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I am enjoying reading your first linked article BDB.

I'm a slow reader so I thought that I would update you now, rather than waiting till I have read both.

So much to read, dinner to cook and so little time.

BTW do you think that Greta was a good choice for the job?

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An inter generational (us vs them meme) guilt and anger " you stole our future".

Her best use before expired when she was flying round in planes to tell people not to fly in planes. Not before implanting man made climate myth beliefs in many weak minds unfortunately.

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Having a naturally nasty expression is an unusual qualification.

Wonder what she will look like when she's old.

There was some story about her grandfather being a global warming shill.

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I don't think there was too much of a general conspiracy there, probably must mum, dad and a few friends. And when it took off after about a week sitting outside the council? buildings then maybe it drew a few more in from Klaus Inc.

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Of course WEF puppet Kill Gates is trying to effect some climate change by forcing farmers off their land and doing who knows what to the skies above.

Don't ask me for links to scientific research about this I am just a conspiracy realist.

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No that's fine. He's definitely doing that.

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I am an environmentalist BDBinc. But no to your suggestions of allegiances. As I said above I'd probably do these slides a little differently right now but I am not going to back-flip just for the hell of it. And although I can see that there's a lot of motivation to use the climate change narrative by the WEF in ways that we won't like the money trail is also there in relation to what Big Oil would like you to believe. Who to believe? I guess we just have to read what we can and make that decision ourselves while trying to reject our biases.

So I will take the evidence as presented but right now off the coast of South Dunedin the sea level rise is about 3mm per year rather than the 1.8mm a year as it was a 100 years ago. The beach is fairly clearly advancing on the stone/rock/concrete wall at St Clair and consequently, regardless of the reason for that, it needs to be attended to.

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Everyones an environmentalist.

Its ok to flip when you see errors.

Who gave you the data on the Dunedin sea level rising? The govt? The point is they would say that as they are liars running the myth for a carbon industry . Hypothetically if they were not lying (but they are as its part of the climate change agenda) the tectonic plates are always moving in the ring of fire, the oz plate and pacific plate. How do you know if you saw with your own eyes a rising seas level how can you tell its not a lowered land mass measured against what you saw a hundred years ago. As you were not around 100yrs ago and all info on sea levels is from the liars at govt we cant tell what effects happened from the big Kaikura earth moving event? Even Wellington moved , is moving= subsiding. Erosion, 20yr flood events and subsidence= Its not from any political lie "man made global warming aka man doing the climate changing". Its a guilt and fear program it works well on the 'ol egomind.

I am glad to hear you have no allegiance to the dark side:)

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The data on sea level rise is from multiple sources including the University where I studied at. It's fairly obvious as well at the beach level as there is a sea wall here but no longer any beach and the waves break on the sea wall. Although of course that could be perception and if they dumped a whole lot of sand there maybe that perception would change. But it doesn't seem to be the case.

I think that it's almost impossible to refute that there is more SLR than 100 years ago. You can argue over the causes in my view but denying that it is happening, unless in places where land uplift is still going on, seems to be an ideological position to me.

The street by the name of Lambton Quay tells us that uplift can happen.

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CAUSE is primary.

So you accept the fact of uplifts in earth but not downlifts? Why?

Universities are govt businesses.Data from govt to support its man made climate agenda. The data is fudged.

Erosion and earth plate movements not SLR. LR (land rising) in parts and sinking in others.

Even the gulf currents have changed post BP event.

If someone saw the tides change should they shout "SLR" (aka the sky is falling)?

The cause is primary to deny it or attribute cause to something else is a mistake and unscientific.

I live on reclaimed land that was once under water,many do the truth, geological earth movements are not PC story to tell better to make up a narrative in line with the agenda. I deny SLR as there is no science that proves it. Its just part of the narrative, doom and gloom "you stole our future" man made climate change lie.

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So they’re continuing to build on flood prone areas in NZ, what a surprise, same in Australia. Then the suckers blame the government for not addressing climate change! There’s a sucker born every minute. Some of them are beginning to getting worried that they have somehow been conned. Should have had a sex change!

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Regardless of the reason there are a lot of assets at risk in South Dunedin due to Sea Level Rise. If parts of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet or Greenland slip into the ocean, no matter whether the reason for the melt is man-made or not, then South Dunedin should be prepared. And at the moment it is not.

And LOL at the last one.

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What sort of assets are at risk. I am guessing that you might mean ratepayer assets and beach pleasures that ratepayers appreciated.

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No South Dunedin is the largest commercial and business area in Dunedin. I'm mostly referring to that. In regards to your house near the beach, well you took the risk so you bail yourself out.

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I was afraid that you were going to say that it was complex, but I would not think that the individual ratepayer who foresaw the risk and didn't personally invest there should be liable.

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I agree.

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I guess you could say the same thing to businesses as well. But their premises are not as easy to move as houses, it's not easy to imagine where they'll go.

Also 1 metre of Sea Level Rise would take care of the new multi billion hospital build as well.

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What a tragedy about the hospital.

I guess that Joe (sephine) Citizen will be paying for this either way.

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