Shock troops for the trans humanist overlords.

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One of them is Wisconsin Antifa.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

One more comment Ive gotta add about the definition change thats fueling this crazy political identity f show. Replacing a sexual preference with the person's biological sex/ gender .

The word Sex and Gender have been used interchangeably. Gender is a more polite way of asking what sex someone is, they both mean "biological sex of the organism".

A few years back the central bankster's mind controllers changed the definition in the CIA's wikipoodia now its all over their gooble.

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I think the games around gender have a longer pedigree than that (at least back to the 90s) and I'd even wonder if gender was invented for exactly these mind games.

You also have transvestites writing to the 1990s Sydney lesbian press and to the 1970s San Francisco press claiming that they were better women because they chose their sex (or gender). You can see that they're trying to do that again with the mask above and in fact this time they might be aiming for test tube babies and no women. The misogyny is off the scales.

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Apr 6, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

Yip fear is off the scales, convid pushed many over the top.

We are seeing noisy insanity all over the place.

The world is a loony bin.

Have you read about the Apartheid State govts new "trans" and other UN mind programming for little kiwi kids ? https://stovouno.org/2023/04/02/the-function-of-nz-education-is-woke-indoctrination/

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I've seen a little of it about. Will have a read of your article.

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Not a big fan of Barbara's. Did skim the article though and have seen that material elsewhere.

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Josh Slocum argues that we are dealing with "Cluster B" personality disorders. Especially Borderline and Narcissisic. "We are living in a world of complete and total reversal of the truth".


His video addresses the horrors in Albert Park.

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Thanks shall have a look. It's starting to get really insane out there on Twitter. But when I looked for transgender women in Queenstown last Saturday I could not find one. There was one woman with purple hair and I figured she was taking a risk doing that.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

Then if you want to go down this rabbit hole (as you did) you follow the money from astro- turf orgs( *Astro turf meaning bankster orgs pretending to be grass roots people orgs that are just spreading political ideology aka the Krazy Koolaid). From govt to central banksters (whose UN agenda 2030 the orgs/"charities"/trusts are following). These are nothing but UN fronts and there is shitloads of money for their Political ideology supporting orgs.

But a positive note is that the noisier the crazy gets the more noticeable it is . And the peaceful voice of reason is needed now more than ever.

Dysmorphic men are the voice of woman! I dont think so. So the voice of woman is desired to be silenced.

I thought it was funny as their poster implied they wanted "abortion rights" and I was thinking of starting a UN govt funded abortion clinic for men. 100% money back guarantee.

Except the obsurd-ness of these political campaigns is not seen by those lost in fear + confusion, youth that the govt are currently mind conditioning with fear of no future ( and note the sexualizing of 7 and 8 yr old kiwis in the gay/transvestite/queer/ dysmorphic pride week in sunny old Apartheid NZ ).

When the Act party have become the NZ govts go to controlled opposition party shit has hit the fan haha

Political ideology .People need to get outta the grip of body/race identification completely .

You are not a body/skin colour/race/sex/belief/sexual preference as the govt would have (and needs) you to identify with.

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