
Final tally (I accidentally voted 1 when it should have been 3)

26 "Things get worse from here on in"

5 "They failed, arrests soon"

16 "A bit of both of the above"

5 "Other (pls say in comments)"

I think that indicates a bit of optimism with it understood that things will get a little worse.

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It might get better sooner than it should, and it might be hella faster than we think, suddenly, and it MIGHT be so damn hard for a while, but we'll be alright, and it might be freakin' fantastic after a few years... Cheers, people, we CAN change the future. Let's make it better than ever.

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These new Substack surveys shake things up a bit.

Your question was good Rich.

We all know how the question controls the answer.

Some can be like a test as to whether the children learnt their lessons.

Surveys do accumulate a lot of data, which someone/something cleverer than me might make good/bad use of. A test of how well the plans are working.

I'm not thinking to go all out on answering Substack surveys personally.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Richard Seager

Eventually good will prevail, but there needs to be a lot of tearing down first before that happens. Sure, it could happen quickly, but statistically that seems unlikely. Europe had to be practically burnt to the ground in 1945 before one crazy tyrant was destroyed. I voted "things get worse"...and would add "before they get better."

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You can't go home to 2019. We hang around playing let's pretend but the power we refuse to command because ......at a minimum no one has courage to get off the knees in any large numbers to do anything to overthrow the power in the land.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Richard Seager

The cancerous Cultists are getting more desperate so it will get worse, but their future acts in desperation will wake more people. The Cultists are actually more cornered than we are.

The Cultists are delusional but have access to all of our money, assets and the country's resources.

They have us digging our own graves.

We need to mock them more. They have no defence against mockery.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Richard Seager

I think the powers that be will try again and again, like it was for years, hundreds of years, with dictators. They may be on the winning hand and of course then people will suffer. But they will not succeed. Like they never did before.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Richard Seager

I believe it will get worse, but cracks are showing. Psychos can only work with each other for so long. The appearance of one group has dissipated. Some of the people we know that are involved, are cracking or took multiple bites of the poison apple. The AI they are creating is going to become to hyper aware and I hope realizes what is going on and destroys them or imprisons them. If catastrophe theory is correct, keep yourselves healthy, work on heart and brain health. The universe has a way out of this...

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Really?…..the universe is dead matter….how does it help us out?…..there’s only ONE who can solve this problem…..that’s the creator of the universe!! Soon these psychos will rub each other the wrong way… and get in each other’s way….and get on each other’s nerves….as evil as they are…they’ll turn on each other…bound to happen sooner or later! Their all clawing for top permanent….positions in this NWO….it’ll never happen….they’ll eventually find non-essential…useless eaters…among themselves and liquidate them! Just a matter of time!

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Richard Seager

I have a "glass half full" philosophy. I have always believed that "they" will get some of what they want, but it is impossible for things to go exactly the way they think they have it all "planned out" to go and they *will* fail miserably on a lot of fronts. The only way they win it all is if we keep complying. As I always say, "we can sacrifice now and lose a lot of things *on our terms*, or we lose *everything* on their terms". There would be no coming back from that for generations. We *must* find our courage and stand firm. And some of us may go to prison instead of them. As horrible as that would be, it would be worth it. We have to try and remember we are not fighting for ourselves. We are fighting for the future of humanity itself. Innocent "next generations" that don't deserve to have less than what we have had. We still have a choice right now, but there will come a time when there will no longer be a choice if we don't resist in every way possible now.

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I've been asking myself the same question in the last two years. Even wrote about it a short while ago:


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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Richard Seager

Massive sickness and death - vaxed

Economic and social chaos

World in chaos

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Richard Seager

I'm with Professor GVB.

ADE, VAED, endless variants.... More disease via an entire planet full of gene therapy vaccinees whose immune systems are damaged.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Richard Seager

A mixture, people are waking up but unfortunately it may take the next 4 years of an even harsher National govt to goad them into action. I want to be more positive, hoping something out of the ordinary will happen

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I accidentally clicked on the first one. My suspicion is that it's the third one but with very few arrests at this stage and they'll all be scapegoats, not likely to be Bill, Klaus or Tony.

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