Nov 3, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

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Posted by Rebecca Armitage and Orlando Halpern in Jerusalem.

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Thanks Fay. I seem to have upset a free radical. So shall go and stock up on more ammunition.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

They read your asubstack.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

Israel has called up 360,000 reservists as it goes to war with Hamas.

But Benjamin Netanyahu’s son is not one of them. ABC News.

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023 -11-03/yair-netanyahu-in-florida-amid-Israel-gaza-war/


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Yes, he's in Miami, but in a hellish neighborhood far from the beach. Probably owns some T-shirt shops in a western mall, dying from Amazon.

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Internet sales as a % of total retail sales are pretty low, under 10% again after going up to 16% or so during the "Pandemic" but Amazon does have the majority of those sales as well. So from a bricks and mortar pov internet sales make up about 1-2% of your total sales and well above that on expenses. I expect a lot of retailers will dump online over the next 5 years.

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Which will leave "pure play" with the low prices and Amazon domination while bricks and mortar will have to not compete and work out how to do that. It doesn't help that Amazon is able to buy out the politicians.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

I wonder how often he dines with DeSantis and Trump.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Richard Seager

He is Daddy’s boy. He has recently been photographed on the beach in Florida.

Perhaps he doesn’t want to risk being hurt in any fighting at home.

He says, ‘there will be no peace in Israel till all Muslims leave’.

Recently, he was seen outside a strip club where it was reported he said that

his father pushed through a $20billion gas deal for the benefit of a business tycoon.

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Yair has a habit of running his mouth off.

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Also Profit and Loss on the 20b gas deal? For Bibi and the gas guy, lots.

For the West it's red line all the way.

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Yair has a very important job for Israel working the Jewish marketplace. In NYC and doubtlessly elsewhere Reservists are being called up. We are beyond existential. Bibi wishes to smite the Amelek! https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/3942715/jewish/Who-Were-Amalek-and-the-Amalekites.htm

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The comments under that article......

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Chabad is of course the powerful international Jewish cult with a strong flavor of the Pale of Settlement. And close allies like Ivanka Trump and her handler Jared.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Author

Interestingly it's also pig latin for wanker in Greek (malaka - taking some liberties with vowels)

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You honestly can't make this stuff up even if you tried!!

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