I see that the bikini is now a trikini.

Trust the modest Aussies to not offend us.

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When I was there in the 1980s it was mostly a onekini.

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I mean the nose cone as the third bit.

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I know. I you're looking at that trikini well back in the 1980s there seemed to be a lot who had dispensed with the top two parts. As a man in his 20s I had only admiration for such women liberationists.

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Now that you mention it, when cooking the broad bean, leek ham and shallot risotto I thought that what would be interesting would be knowing about public/ private partnerships in NZ.

IE Fascist alliances.

Using tax payer money and hooking up with profit driven shareholders.

No opposition of any consequence to any of that load of corruption.

( Enjoy my recipe hints.)

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What do you think now.

Who was conning whom.

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Not sure what you're referring to.

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What inspired those women to go topless?

Were they liberated or victims.

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So many smaller towns depend on tourism, but also the residents mostly hate tourists at the same time. Depending on tourism for your sustenance is a highly fragile economy dependant on international flight and folks with essentially what i call too much money. Whatever those towns did before tourism, they can do again, if they can remember. It might be just to be poorer but a steadier existance. Tourism tends to make places more generic eventually, destroys actual local culture and replaces it with a fake thing rigged for seasonal money. Screw tourists. Much love from OR

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Queenstown was always a tourist town, never wasn't. Tourists originally from Dunedin and Invercargill (2 & 3 hours away by car, a day away by horse) and then in the 1970s & 1980s from wider afield, both co-existing but maybe not totally getting along. Australians in the mix as well. And then from the 90s it was completely international.

I lived there a few times in the 1980s.

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I am sure there are lots..and some that wont be viable after this thing....

who the heck knows really, at least some coastal towns will get the local tourists

or state wide travellers....stickin close to home for the forseeable, and lucky I know..

all the flooding elsewhere and feeling like they could do so anytime here too but they

would catch more flack possibly...still would vote to ground all air travel for some months

if i thought the 'chem' planes would be grounded with them....deep 'military' opps pilots

with few rules i would think...how can folks really get up and spray chemicals all day, such

a sick sick thing to call a job and for what money....really.

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Apparently, someone bitched about my comments on GVBs article so they removed my comments/bnnd my other accnt.

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I may as well mention that.

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So, yeah, substack isn't worth bothering with.


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Just asking, did you see the comments there?

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I saw most of them I'd figure.

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It's not like I was being "inappropriate" or threatening there.

Oh and Joy had serious issues with me mentioning Zelenko peddled BS based on fraud on one of Mark Crispin Miller's articles, she(?) said I threatened her(?). Wtf?

Obviously when I asked for reference or to quote the supposed threats that wasn't evidenced.

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all the smart pilots are grounded and the others are all getting sick so flights are cancelled in large numbers, it doesnt inspire anyone to spend a fortune heading to NZ and thats before all the nazi rules and jab requirements

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I personally will not be travelling unless all restrictions (mask, certification, tests) are abolished from my country of origin to my country of destination.

My money. My choice.

I pity when I see so called antivaxxers travelling all over the world for holidays rewarding all these fascist regimes with their hard earned cash.

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All I can say is AMEN. I'm right there with you.

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I do that just staying at home.

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I agree with you btw, currently I can travel to Australia. 6 months ago I couldn't travel to the North Island. But even though I can travel to both at the moment without jab and without mask (tho they will gaslight you at airports and on plane) they're not free from this nonsense in any meaningful way.

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You know what I think it's imbecilic absurdity that's what it is. Was thinking about US and their homeless how, apparently c hasn't decimated them and, how you don't hear about the southern border lately. It was always beyond my comprehension how supposedly the same infliction has been approached so differently.

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A few of the Texas counties have declared it an invasion (I agree) which is supposed to prompt the Federal Government to step in to help.

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To get into the USA you have to cross a river and claim asylum. Much easier than the passport and cheap.

On the Northern border you can hop a fence or a good hike through the woods

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Add the dead or disabled pilots, the injected experiencing "complications" or simply passing away after the injections. After all, traveling "required" the Russian roulette with the lethal injections.

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I am here!

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You're been quiet lately BOK.

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You missed me....!

Reading the bird, Gab, GETTR, Sub and Telegram; emailing; and commenting are more than a full-time job.

The themes have become repetitive. We've reached a stage of diminishing returns with our efforts now. However, we will keep trying.

I was disappointed that Rich has this fetish of deleting his posts, and therefore our comments. I spent time to communicate and, occasionally, amuse. Deleting my comments negates my time!


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I've only deleted one post as far as I can remember. And can't remember you posting on it Baz. As far as deletions go, as Frank....... he's normally responsible.

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You deleted TWO articles in total that I am aware of.

You deleted an article on your other account where I chatted to Elizabeth and others.

Slanders cannot delete your Sub articles..

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I shifted one article from here to Parsley as the comments had become an absolute mess mostly and I had decided to keep the negativity in one place. Another article I reposted as it had become a mess in the comments section. And people really don't want a hundred notifications in their email box. Anyway that problem seems gone for the moment.

They're not deleted btw. Just hidden.

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Sometimes I think that I will take a break from all this Cult tyranny news, surely I am overflowing with information.

But no, no willpower.

Every day brings some new angle or some new fright.

I don't have actual in person people to talk to about this monumental humanity civilization changing totalitarianism. Maybe the people whom I know are keeping some sort of balance; like some Substack authors, who have a no-go zone. For their sanity - don't talk about it and it will go away.

Not us, we overdose on reality and sense-making.

But yes, have missed you Be OK.

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"I don't have actual in person people to talk to about this monumental humanity civilization changing totalitarianism. "

You can you say that again! And again, And again....

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Suggestions for a post, Barry and Cairn?

I've currently got an OIA request in on a character here at Dunedin Council. The result may be interesting to say the least. All because he couldn't control himself.

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Yes, if you've got a spare half hour, here's a few questions.

What was Cindy up to with BlackRock in NY and in general.

What are we signed up for with BlackRock.

Are BlackRock buying up NZ property.

How much of our money has gone to Phizer.

How much is Phizer programmed to receive in future.

What's going on in Timaru with the Crispa and smart city.

Where are all the 5 G towers in NZ.

What are the Cultists initiation rites that keep them gagged.

Is there an elite bloodline that is safe from the eugenics.

Why is Cindy high ranking WEF.

Why is Cindy stalling on her wedding.

What new (non WEF) political parties are in the pipeline.

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"What was Cindy up to with BlackRock in NY and in general."

Working out the terms of the sale.

"What are we signed up for with BlackRock."

I'm not sure that we are. Are we included in the sale agreement?

"Are BlackRock buying up NZ property."

The Harvard endowment fund has certainly been doing so. Are they the same people?

"How much of our money has gone to Phizer."

However many jabs "NZ" has purchased * about $45.

"How much is Phizer programmed to receive in future."

Quantity discounts only apply above 100m doses so once again however many jabs "NZ" has purchased * about $45.

"What's going on in Timaru with the Crispa and smart city"

Needs a closer look.

"Where are all the 5 G towers in NZ."

They're all over the place. It relies on many of them not a few big towers. So we have 5g here and I'd guess there's a 100 or so 'towers' between me and Cargill's corner (about 1500m away)

"What are the Cultists initiation rites that keep them gagged"

Indeed, what are they.

"Is there an elite bloodline that is safe from the eugenics."

Not really. The species is obviously not selecting on smarts. But as Geert says if you try and conduct a eugenics campaign in the middle of a war then you risk selecting for intelligence.

Those not involved have no such selection pressure.

"Why is Cindy high ranking WEF."

Seemingly higher than Klaus even. I don't know. Bloodlines? (which would prove the above thesis)

"Why is Cindy stalling on her wedding."

The Brazilian babysitter wants her baby back?

"What new (non WEF) political parties are in the pipeline."

One that I know of. Mine.

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As I said, I am focusing on the literally life and death "Olympic Games"; not some card games at a pub.


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What Olympic Games.

I just checked and they're not till 2024.

But you are urgent about them, so maybe you are involved with a contestant's issue.

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The council guy is malicious. Into climate change in a 'not really interested but my politics demand it' way and some odd allegiances. Even odder how he even ended up in Dunedin.

I might actually go and play scrabble or cards at the pub this afternoon. One has to look after themselves to be able to do the same for others.

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