Why do you laugh so much.

Because people have naiivly been sucked in, sucked in to donating and hero worshipping.

RFK Jnr will also be be seen in a new light.

Did you know about the version of the Bible used in much of the US, eg schools, with footnotes or whatever, leading to the general populace becoming of the belief that the Jewish people have a God given right to be the chosen people and to occupy Biblical lands.

I can probably find the particular Bible version if you are further interested.

Explains the strange attitude rife in the US.

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I can't believe how many people who saw through the 9/11 hoax, the covid hoax, the ukraine hoax and numerous other hoaxes, but on the Israel/Palestine conflict that has been going on for decades, if not thousands of years, all of a sudden it's like those same people have forgotten everything... This is being used as cover for all of the other crap going on. People need to get a clue and stop taking sides.

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Cover for the surveillance society and the CBDCs?

Perfectly possible. I don't think that this war is one between Israel & Hamas. But it is possible that dystopia has competitors and then we have to work out who is on which side. Both Israel and Hezbollah should not be assumed to be on the sides that they claim to be on and both those militaries could now be mercenary ones with the soldiers plausibly unaware of that.

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Exactly. And where are the high gas prices? I know that sounds like a weird question, but every single time in my life that things have been stirred up over there, gas prices skyrocket. This time, in my area, they actually went down. Something smells very fishy...

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Smart work by TPTB.

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scofield bible?

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Thank you Wilson.

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In my view the chosen people chose to be Jews. The religion being an invention of the Greeks on the basis of Plato's outlines of an ideal in The Republic.

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Also based on the same of Athens btw.

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I agree about RFK.

As for the Bernie Bros, well who would like them. Their Bernie was a complete fiction.

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Even though I agree about RFK by the way, at the moment he's the best of a bad bunch.

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At least he has done a heap of good regarding the quackzines.

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Obviously political suicide in the US to not be a Zionist, even for Catholic Kennedy.

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Wasn't always thus though, 60s seems to have been the turning point.

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Great catch... I'll be laughing all day !!!

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On the other hand, Bernie was the voice of reason yesterday when those fistfights were threatening to break out in the Senate (and one actually did). So I guess he's good for something 😄

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No one wants to upset their grandpa. And, what kind of moron would start a rumble with the teamsters union pres. Read:


Sean O'Brien laughed at him and asked him to meet for "coffee". You really think Mullin will fend well ? Pros know how to convince and motive others without leaving a mark.

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Day one student activist a fraud. Posing for the camera. I wonder how many Jewish radicals were Mossad handled.

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Which student activist?

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Aside from RFK Jr. we have the pictures of Bernie Sanders as a student activist getting arrested mugging for the camera.

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I meant Sanders. Getting mixed up.

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I think that Stegiel means that RFK is playing that role. Certainly how I read it anyway.

Swarbrick worse, her politics are very 'studenty'. "From the River to the Sea" is provocative at best, a call to genocide at worst. Not something that 5 Green MPs, led by Swarbrick, should be yelling from the Albert Park rotunda.

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Same as here, the local radicals seem to be handled as well.

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My working thesis is Jewish money backing William of Orange and additional Jewish money from piracy was reinvested in creating the English world we know and love today. The Anglo-Dutch empire even in decline over last 100 years and in it's dotage remains known as Charles III and perhaps King of the World in one of his many titles.

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Undoubtedly the case.

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By Piracy I'm assuming the likes of James Cook. Who was remarkably similar to Abel Tasman. Willliam of Orange being between the two.

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